Hearthstone: The Best 6 Neutrals from Rise of Shadows in Arena

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#4. Proud Defender

Proud Defender(90634).png

A well-statted Taunt minion is always useful in Arena. Proud Defender retains the effect from Tar Creeper (which is rotating out) but more conditionally so. A 4/6 Taunt if you're behind on the board can buy you some time. The attack doesn't matter as much as it's health. At 6 health, opponents will still need to clear that much health.

However, it is probably weak to heavy removal from classes such as Mage or Rogue.

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#3. Soldier of Fortune

Soldier of Fortune(90633).png

An over statted minion for its cost? Mostly does well in Arena. Soldier of Fortune's body stats and cost is reminiscent of Hoarding Dragon from Kobolds & Catacombs. That's if you attack twice. It is not a bad pick on the 4-drop slot and it can be used defensively and offensively pretty well.

There is the obvious downside of letting your opponent get out a minion early through Coins, but that also depends on how well they are drawing and maintaining hand size.

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