How to remove the virus from the biochip in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 gives players a quest involving Militech early in the game (Image via CD Projekt Red)
Cyberpunk 2077 gives players a quest involving Militech early in the game (Image via CD Projekt Red)

Cyberpunk 2077 has an early quest line that involves a Militech chip and removing the virus from the chip or shard.

One of the first quest lines in Cyberpunk 2077 involves a job from Dex along with Jackie and Evelyn.

There are plenty of moving pieces and characters involved throughout the quest line. Not only is it convoluted, but there are optional pieces to the puzzle that is the quest line. One of those pieces is an optional objective to meet with Militech agent Stout.

If players decide to meet with Stout, they'll be met with initial animosity until Stout's guards check out V. Once that's over with, Stout will offer the player a shard to use in order to pay Royce for the Hammerhead that Dex needs. Maelstrom gangsters ripped off Militech, so they want to help screw them over. When players take the chip, they can choose to take the virus off.

Removing the virus from the Militech shard in Cyberpunk 2077


Removing the virus from the shard is a rather easy process, with the right numbers entered. Cyberpunk 2077 players don't need to go far, as all the tools needed are in the character screen. Scrolling over to the journal section of the main tabs will open up other options, and players should open the shards sub-tab.

Once inside, players should look for the Militech Datashard. The shard should be selected, and cracking the security is the next step. In order to do so, the correct sequence of numbers needs to be entered or else the process will fail. Options for codes are on the left side of the screen, while the section on the right holds the codes that need to be entered in the correct order.

Cyberpunk 2077 players will need to Copy Malware as well as Neutralize Malware when the code sequence is entered. Copying comes first, and players should enter BD BD FF 55. In order to neutralize the malware, the final codes are 1C E9. Once the codes are successfully entered, the virus will be removed.

If the virus is removed and players go to the meeting for the Hammerhead, Royce will gladly accept the money on the chip. On the other hand, if players leave the virus and use the chip at the meeting, Royce and some of his enemies will reveal the virus, and some of them will get fried.

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