How to repair tools in Valheim

Image Via Coffee Stain
Image Via Coffee Stain

Valheim may be a new survival game gaining serious popularity on Steam, but features like repairs are still a part of the genre. If you don't want your tools to break, you'll need to keep an eye on their durability.

Every time you use your tools, the item will lose durability and begin to degrade. It happens upon every use of the tool, no matter what.

There will always be a bar underneath the tool icon indicating where it is in terms of durability. The bar starts at white, which means the tool is untouched and unused. As time goes on and the tool is used, it will eventually reach a red color.

As the bar depletes, the tool will become less effective overall until it is no longer usable. Once that happens, the tool won't break, unlike in some other survival games, but it will be unusable until it gets a repair.

In that sense, it's best to maintain the tools that you have in your game. For that, you'll need a workbench.

Building and using a workbench to repair tools in Valheim


Valheim essentially requires players to have a workbench reasonably early on in the game if they want to make any real progress in the world. It serves the same purpose as any crafting or repair station in a survival game.

Workbenches in Valheim are incredibly easy to make, especially compared to other items in the game, as they only require 10 wood. They are designed to be created right away so you can continue your adventure.

Once you have 10 wood, go to the hammer in the inventory tab and move over to the crafting tab. You can then craft the workbench, and must place it indoors. As you progress, you can upgrade the workbench to provide more options, but the base bench can already repair tools.

After the workbench is placed, tool repairs in Valheim become readily available whenever you need them. Walk over to the workbench and interact with it.

Then click the hammer icon, which is on the left side. Clicking the icon will repair tools at random. Oddly enough, players can't choose the desired tool for repair.

It would be more frustrating if it cost anything, but repairing tools is free of any resources. That means keeping your tools pristine in Valheim should be a breeze.