Is League of Legends’ Absolution trailer featuring only two Sentinels a ploy to advertise Legendary Skins?

Riot showing only Sentinel Vayne and Graves could be a method to promote Legendary Skins (Image via League of Legends)
Riot showing only Sentinel Vayne and Graves could be a method to promote Legendary Skins (Image via League of Legends)

The League of Legends Absolution trailer was released on August 3, 2021 marking the end of the Ruined King saga.

There are still a few unanswered questions surrounding this event as well as the inconsistency between the visual novel and the cinematic. However, for now, it can be said that the onslaught of Viego has finally been stopped, and anything that happens for the rest of the year will probably be a set up for future events.

There could also be a twist where Viego comes back, though Thresh is the new ruler of the Shadow Isles and he would probably want to keep the throne. However, it seems players are quite unhappy with how things ended and especially at the fact that they did not showcase any Sentinel other than Vayne and Graves.

Vayne and Graves Sentinel skins are of Legendary rarity in League of Legends

Riot showcased only two Sentinels of Light amongst the several that were present in the Visual Novel. Gwen, Senna, Lucian and Akshan were showcased in their normal skins.

However, in the first cinematic Riot show, Lucian and Senna recruited Vayne, who turned into a Sentinel, with a completely new attire. Therefore, Vayne's presence makes full sense. Graves, on the other hand, was shown in the visual novel only. In truth, both Irelia and Riven had a better story compared to Graves. Perhaps the reason to showcase Graves was just to prove the point that Viego within League of Legends has made even thieves angry and turned them good.

Or as players are suspecting, it might be to showcase the legendary skins. Skins in League of Legends cost real world money. Both skins, namely Sentinel Vayne and Sentinel Graves, cost 1820 RP, which is on the higher end of the spectrum when compared to the others which only cost 1350 RP. RP stands for Riot Points which are the currency that players buy with real money.

Therefore, it is a very good possibility that Riot just wanted to sell both skins and thereby advertised them specifically instead of showcasing the others. This in turn has led to lore imperfections within League of Legends, and players are quite disappointed in the way that Riot has handled the entire situation.