Kevin Durant could eventually make a Call of Duty team

Kevin Durant has invested in the esports company, AndBox (Image via AndBox)
Kevin Durant has invested in the esports company, AndBox (Image via AndBox)

As Call of Duty esports becomes more mainstream in this era of entertainment, it has become more common in the media world. While many Hollywood producers have begun to capitalize on video game fans through movies like Pixels and Ready Player One, other celebrities are taking a different approach.

With many modern video games going with single-player or solely revolving around competitive multiplayer, esports is more prominent than ever. With many large-scale events being hosted for these virtual feats of skill, the bridge between sports and video games is getting shorter and shorter as time goes on.

Enter NBA star Kevin Durant. While the Brooklyn Nets player has been known for his love of video games, fewer people may be aware that he is a prominent investor in the esports organization NYXL.

In a recent interview, Durant briefly touched on the idea of getting more involved in the esports industry.

Closing the gap between sports and esports: Kevin Durant and Call of Duty

In his recent interview, the 33-year-old expressed a strong understanding and desire for the esports side of one of his favorite games, Call of Duty. Durant said he would like to "make a team" and "create a brand in the e-gaming space."

However, what many people may not consider is what this could mean for the esports industry.

Action from the League of Legends Championship event (Image via Riot Games)
Action from the League of Legends Championship event (Image via Riot Games)

In the early ages of modern gaming, taking video games seriously was close to putting a "kick me" sign on one's back. Nobody thought too much about gaming aside from considering them hobbies for nerds. However, with esports becoming more mainstream, this outlook has quickly changed.

Durant's expression of interest in the industry may begin to turn heads among his more dedicated fans. After all, who wouldn't want to see a team run by their favorite NBA player dominate a competitive league?

If the athlete goes through with creating his Call of Duty dream team, it would undoubtedly bring new eyes to the industry.


While some older NBA audiences may be slow to embrace the idea of video games being on TV, younger audiences may be interested. This puts the future of not only COD but esports as a whole in an interesting spot. With esports becoming an undeniable entertainment powerhouse, people are taking an interest.

Hopefully, with more prominent figures taking part in esports, the idea of video games being "just for nerds" can be considered a mindset of old. However, in the current age, many sports fans have far from considered esports to have the potential for a spot on their favorite sports broadcasting channels.

With the state of media constantly changing, Kevin Durant's sudden public interest in Call of Duty esports may hold great potential in the industry's future. Hopefully, his potential COD team becomes more than just an idea someday, as many fans are interested to see where it may go in the future.

Although Durant did not specify when this potential Call of Duty esports team will be made, it could very well be possible that he may already have an idea in mind. Hopefully, this will be a concept he talks about more in the future.

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