League of Legends devs outline the decision-making process behind picking champions for legendary skins

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends players have often wondered why there are not many legendary champion skins in the game.

Legendary skins are indeed some of the best cosmetics that the MOBA has to offer its players, and there are some who do feel that there are not enough of them in the game at the moment.

In the latest “Ask Riot” blog, League of Legends developer Devin “DevinSage” O’Brien discussed some of the decision-making processes behind picking champions who will receive legendary skins.

Devin started off by stating that,

“When selecting a champion for a Legendary skin, there's a few factors that come into play. First, Legendaries take quite a bit more time to develop than Epic skins, so we tend to prioritize champions that are pretty broadly popular.”

High-tier skin releases are, by principle, generally released for those champions who are much more popular in the game. Hence, players will find Ezreal, who is sitting with 10 skins to his name, in constrast to Ivern, who has just 3.

League of Legends devs open up about how they pick skins

Upon elaborating further on how the League of Legends devs pick champions for Legendary skins, Devin suggests the following points:

  • How recently a champion has received a skin: If a champion seems like a great fit but is getting another skin around that time, we’d probably pick somebody else.
  • How well they fit into the thematic: This one’s pretty obvious.
  • What their current catalog of skins looks like: We would want to avoid stacking a champion with nothing but sci-fi skins, for example. (Some overlap is okay, but we do try to diversify options.)
  • How much we could elevate the fantasy by taking a skin to the Legendary level: Does being able to change more animations, voiceover, and exploring other Legendary hooks let us tell a more exciting story for this champion?

However, Riot’s explanations did receive some criticism from the League of Legends community who felt that the devs picking only popular champions for legendary skins was not good practice.

It’s unfair for those players who prefer playing the more uncommon picks in League of Legends. One Twitter user even went as far as to point out that:

“Shyvana and Skarner went almost 2000 days without a skin and Shyvana has no legendary and has been waiting on a rework for about as long as an Udyr skin.”

Now it’s uncertain whether Riot will be changing their decision-making process in the near future; however, it’s quite certain that the League of Legends community will not rest easy until some of the uncommon picks finally start seeing some skins coming their way.

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