League of Legends: All the talking points from Champion Roadmap

Senna is coming to League of Legends
Senna is coming to League of Legends

Riot Games have released the Champion Roadmap for the upcoming patches. The roadmap includes details about Senna, a new juggernaut, a new marksman, and a rework of both Fiddlesticks and Volibear. These changes will roll out in the preseason or in the early season 10 of League of Legends.

Also read: League of Legends is coming to mobiles and consoles

Here are the highlights from the Champion Roadmap-

Senna will make its debut soon-

Senna is the latest champion that will join the League of Legends roster. She is a non-traditional marksman who will primarily play in the bot lane. Senna will bring a lot of utilities with her kit, which makes her the first-ever support marksman. There are no details about her abilities yet but expect it to come soon.

A new juggernaut is making its way to League

Riot Games will introduce a new juggernaut champion soon. It’s been a while since Riot Games introduced any champion that feels like a juggernaut, with Darius being the last. The new champion will be a great duelist and will thrive in the center of team fights.

A new marksman in works

Despite Senna being a marksman, Riot Games will release another marksman in the coming weeks. According to the little details that Riot Games revealed, her kit might revolve around the elements of Sun and Moon. There is no relevant information regarding the marksman so she might not debut this season.

Fiddlesticks and Volibear rework

Fiddlesticks and Volibear are hardly seen in the Summoner’s Rift nowadays. Their kit is outdated, and they feel very underwhelming compared to newer champions. Both Volibear and Fiddlesticks will receive a full visual and gameplay update.

Volibear will revolve around being a juggernaut in the game, while Fiddlesticks will wreak mental havoc on the enemies. It would be interesting to see if the champions keep their original position as a jungler.

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