League of Legends: Patch 10.4 Preview released

10.4 Preview is out!
10.4 Preview is out!

The new week brings a new update from the League of Legends lead gameplay designer, Riot Scruffy aka Mark Yetter. Posting the patch 10.4 Preview on his Twitter profile, Mark also shared information about changes coming to Top Lane influence in patch 10.5.

Patch 10.4 brings a lot of changes and is expected to be another huge patch. Some important changes to look at:

Nerfs coming to Perfect Timing and Stopwatch

Nerfs have been due for a bit to the most sought after item, Stopwatch. Perfect timing has been used by every role making Inspiration the most used secondary page in pro-play and soloQ. Stopwatch nerf is confirmed to be a cost nerf.

Also read: LoL - Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies Championship

Sunfire cape and Cinderhulk buff

With the frozen heart being buffed in the last patch, another must-have tank item is going to be buffed to make tanks more viable to play. The expected change is the increase in damage with bonus health per tick. These buffs are a good boost for all tank players, with bruisers, range and even Soraka taking over top-lane.

Soraka and Sona top nerf

After the abuse top laners have experienced from the hands of support champions like Soraka and Sona, there are nerfs to get some balance back to the lane. G2 Esport's Wunder played Soraka to perfection on the stage bringing spotlight to the champion.

The expected date of release of the patch is 13th or 14th Feb.

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