League of Legends: Ultimate guide to Sett

Sett is now playable on PBE servers.
Sett is now playable on PBE servers.

League of Legends latest champion Sett, the Boss is now playable on the PBE servers. An off-tank bruiser, Sett looks very strong at first glance. Like all the recent champions, Sett has an overloaded kit but unlike the previous champions, he seems straightforward to play.

He has everything in his kit from crowd control to damage and in the right scenarios can be a menace on the Summoner’s Rift. Nevertheless, It’s been just one day since the release of Sett on PBE, and here is the most optimal build for him right now.

Also read: League of Legends latest champion Sett's abilities revealed


Conqueror seems the most suitable primary rune for Sett as it is very easy to stack with Sett’s abilities. Triumph, Tenacity, and Last Stand can follow Conqueror in the primary tree. Triumph is great for sustain especially for a bruiser like Sett who is a combat-heavy champion. Tenacity will provide much-needed crowd-control sustain while Last Stand comes handy in clutch situations.

Since Sett is an off-tank, Resolve is the perfect Rune for the secondary tree. Conditioning followed by Unflinching gives not only bulkiness to Sett but also adds crowd-control resistant to his overall stats.

Recommended Rune Path

Primary Tree- Conquerer, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand.

Secondary Tree- Resolve, Conditioning, Unflinching.


Doran’s Shield is the most optimal first item for Sett as it provides health regeneration along with additional base stats. Sett struggles with wave clear, which makes Tiamat a must-buy item for the champion. Tiamat can later be converted into Titanic Hydra, followed by a Trinity Force, Sterak’s Gage, and Black Cleaver completion. Since Sett doesn’t need too much damage, building tank items like Spirit Visage or Deaman’s Plate is recommended. The shoes depend upon the situation, but in most cases, Mercury’s Treads should work fine.

Recommended final build

Titanic Hydra, Trinity Force, Strerak's Gage, Dead Man's Plate, and Mercury's Treads.