National and International teams in Genshin Impact: All you need to know

The National Team has a ton of potential (Image via Genshin Impact)
The National Team has a ton of potential (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact has a ton of different team compositions, and one incredible team that has stuck with the game ever since its release is the National team. This team has been iterated upon and changed with each update, and fans continually build its power, making it one of the strongest choices in the game.

This team primarily uses several 4-star characters that have incredible synergies with each other, allowing for huge boosts to their damage and utility. Fans can learn more about the National team and its variations here.

Genshin Impact: National team explained

The National team has been a staple of Genshin Impact's highest-tier content since its discovery early in the game's lifetime. This team consisted of several of the most powerful 4-star supports in the game paired with the insanely strong Pyro carry Xiangling. The reason this team took off is its ease of use and its budget cost.


The original National team consisted of Xingqiu, Xiangling, Chongyun, and Bennett. These four 4-star characters provided each other with buffs, and thanks to the snapshotting mechanic, Bennett could boost all of their damage by an insane amount.

Childe National/International

This powerful variation of the National team takes advantage of Childe and Kaedehara Kazuha, two 5-star characters who take the place of Chongyun and Xingqiu. Childe provides a massive nuke with his Elemental Burst and constant Hydro damage, while Kazuha provides extra buffs to Xiangling and the team. This team comp is known as the International team as each unit is from a different region.

Raiden National


Many players are familiar with the Raiden National team as it has remained at the top of the game's power charts since Raiden Shogun's release. This team is so powerful, thanks to Raiden Shogun's ability to not only boost the strength of Elemental Bursts but to generate them much quicker. This makes the downtime of her three supporting characters much lower, equalling tons of DPS.

Ayato National

Ayato Kamisato has also formed his own version of the National Team, and players can utilize two different variations of it. He replaces Xingqiu in both variations of the team, but fans can choose between picking a buffer like Kaedehara Kazuha for the whole team or Yun Jin to buff Ayato's damage specifically. This team has been seen tearing through the game's toughest content, making it a viable choice for Ayato fans.

Genshin Impact's National teams come in many varieties, and all of them can deliver potent damage to any enemies in their path.

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