Call of Duty Warzone players demand console only cross-play after insurgence of hackers

Hackers are everywhere in Call of Duty Warzone/ Image via Call of Duty
Hackers are everywhere in Call of Duty Warzone/ Image via Call of Duty

Hackers and cheaters in Call of Duty Warzone are nothing new, but since the launch of Season 4, things have taken a bad turn.

Raven Software and Activision have both claimed to have banned over 500,000 Warzone profiles to date for cheating in the game.

Nonetheless, there seems to be no effect on the number of hackers in the game. Players have the audacity to cheat while live streaming, during pro tournaments and even if they eventually get banned, all they do is create a new profile and employ the same hacks once again.

The insurgence of hackers in the game has seen some serious outcry from the community, asking Activision to take some serious steps. In all honesty, with Halo: Infinite and Battlefield 2049 coming out this year, Warzone's popularity hangs in the balance.

A Reddit post surfaced yesterday where Activision was asked to alter its cross-play mechanism for consoles and PCs. Currently, PlayStation players have the ability to choose console only lobbies but Xbox players are denied that mechanism.

It is extremely unfair that Xbox players have to go against PC players where all the hacking majorly takes place. As the Reddit user rightly commented :

"The game is literally unplayable at the moment. We've seen moments in Warzone where cheating was rampant, but this time it feels like we're just outnumbered."

Also Read: "Warzone is dog**t": Nickmercs loses it while spectating hacker, worries about hacks coming to console next

Is Warzone really hacker free in console?

While it's definitely hacker free at the moment, news is coming out that hacks for consoles are also coming out soon. Players might be amazed to learn how far these cheaters go to make things difficult for the legit users.

The Twitter account, called the Anti-Cheat Police Department, posted extensively on this topic recently, claiming that console cheats have been out for some time but are only becoming popular recently.

Powerful aimbots are using machine learning to kill enemies if pointed in the general direction. From what it seems, players might no longer need to shoot with such developed hacks.

This is indeed sad news for Warzone players but it is high time Activision sits up straight and takes some responsibility for their free-to-play title before it goes down the drain.

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