Fortnite pro takes to Twitter requesting a fix for "broken servers"

Image via Epic Games
Image via Epic Games

A Twitter post citing Fortnite's "broken servers" is quickly gaining traction.

As seen in the tweet, BBG Kreo takes a shot with a sniper which should have hit another player, but the other player is unaffected, and the streamer is left vocally upset after.

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Other players experience "broken servers"

Many players have replied and retweeted to vent their frustration with Fortnite's "broken servers." They have gone as far sharing their own experiences and and videos. One of the top responses claims that during his own shootouts, his shotgun blasts wouldn't register, while another player shows a clear video where the unregistered shot is a lot closer.

While some Fortnite fans have been supportive, others have gone to heckling the pro player, stating that they most likely missed due to bullet drop or aim, and that "broken servers" is an overstatement.

This has led to a bit of an argument, however, it is clear that in any multiplayer online experience like Fortnite, server lag is real and unavoidable. Epic Games has not commented on the video, but there are some things that players currently have to accept in their online experiences and server lag is one of them.

Player claiming "broken servers" is Kreo, a professional Fortnite player

Kreo has been a part of many Fortnite tournaments this year and represents Built By Gamers (BBG). It is safe to assume that he has played enough of the game to know when something is amiss or is not playing correctly.

It lends more credence to his "broken servers" claim and clearly, based on his win percentage against other professional Fortnite gamers, Kreo knows how to fire a weapon in Fortnite.

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