Gundam Evolution, a first-person shooter game set in the famous Gundam universe, has been announced to launch in 2022 on the PC Windows platform. As of now, the game has only been announced in Japan.
Gundam Evolution is a 6v6 free-to-play FPS game featuring mecha robots quintessential to the Gundam franchise. The announcement falls in line with Bandai Namco’s recent reveal that they were working on a Gundam video game specifically designed for Esports.
Bandai’s announcement talked about their vision of penetrating the North American Esports market with the new Gundam title. So it is more than likely that Gundam Evolution will not be limited to a Japan-exclusive release but would rather be released worldwide.
Gundam Evolution is set to launch in 2022 on PC
Gundam is a widely popular Japanese military science fiction media franchise, which features giant robots, or mecha, named "Gundam." Since 1979, the Gundam franchise has spawned TV series, films, live-action films, manga, novels, video games, and other stuff, including plastic models and related merchandise.
Among the long list of games from the Gundam franchise, there has been only one - Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, which got a worldwide release. Gundam Evolution is most likely the next candidate for global treatment after it.
Gundam is a Japanese cultural icon. It is a ¥50-billion-annual business of Bandai Namco, reaching ¥54.5 billion annual revenue by 2006 and ¥80.2 billion annual revenue by 2014. To give some perspective, the impact of Gundam in Japan has been compared to the impact of Star Wars in the United States.
The reveal trailer of Gundam Evolution undoubtedly gives off an Overwatch vibe. Some folks on Twitter even called it Japanese mecha-Overwatch.
Gundam Evolution can surely penetrate the esports market of the West, given the technical side of the game is well-crafted. The crisp movement hit registration, and well-balanced gameplay is the game's name for a competitive FPS-focused to penetrate the esports market. It remains to be seen how much Gundam Evolution succeeds in that regard.
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