League of Legends patch 12.11b hotfix notes: Massive Zeri and Olaf nerfs, Ryze buffs and more

League of Legends 12.11b hotfix to deal with Zeri’s staggering win rate surge (Images via Riot Games)
League of Legends 12.11b hotfix to deal with Zeri’s staggering win rate surge (Images via Riot Games)

Almost a day into the new League of Legends 12.11 patch update, Riot Games have decided to ship in a 12.11b hotfix.

The hotfix will look to massively nerf Zeri after she saw a staggering win rate surge on the ranked ladder.

Path 12.11 introduced a plethora of adjustments to Zeri’s kit. Riot Games sought to shift some of her mobility as well as utility and focus her kit more around damage and cooldowns.

Before 12.11, Zeri was sitting on a 46.3 win percentage, but as soon as the update hit, her win rate shot up to 54, according to U.GG. This means she enjoyed the highest win percentage in the League of Legends, at least for a day.

With today’s hotfix, the developers aim to right some of the wrongs, tone down the AD ratios on her Q and her Max HP% damage while nerfing the cooldown on her E.

However, the Zeri changes will not be the only highlight of the hotfix. Ryze, who has been struggling quite a bit in the Season 12 mid-lane meta, will be in for some much-needed buffs as well.

League of Legends 12.11b hotfix to deal with Zeri’s staggering win rate surge


1) Champion Buffs


  • W Max HP%: 3 - 6% >>> 3.5 - 6.5%


  • Q CD: 6 >>>5
  • E damage: 60 - 160 (+0.35 AM) (+2% Mana) >>> 60 - 180 (+0.45 AP) (+2% Mana)

2) Champion Nerfs


  • Q AD: 110-130 >>> 105 - 125%
  • P Max HP% samage: 3 - 15% (level 1 - 13) >>> 1 -15% (level 1 -18)
  • E CD: 22 - 16 >>> 24 - 18


  • Q Armor Reduction: 20 - 30% >>> 20%
  • W Shield: 10 -130 (+22.5% missing HP) >>> 10 - 130 (175% missing HP)

After the League of Legends patch 12.10, 12.11 was another big update that sought to iron out inconsistencies that were introduced by the massive durability updates.

Most of the changes that were made in the latest patch were good directionally. However, there were a few, like in the case of Zeri and Olaf, who were a bit hard to predict and “moved more than desired.” Hence, nerfs will be hitting their kit in the hotfix.

Ryze, on the other hand, will finally have a bit more agency in the midlane, as the buffs seek to give him a fair bit of quality-of-life updates.

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