League of Legends patch 12.13 preview: Master Yi buffs, Volibear nerfs, Gwen adjustments, and more

League of Legends patch 12.13 preview brings Master Yi buffs, Volibear nerfs, and Gwen adjustments (Images via Riot Games)
League of Legends patch 12.13 preview brings Master Yi buffs, Volibear nerfs, and Gwen adjustments (Images via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 12.13 will be looking to bring a fair amount of changes when the official update makes its way to the game in a couple of weeks.

The patch will not be as big in terms of changes to champions. However, it is expected to bring in the new ADC Nilah, as well as the highly-anticipated Star Guardian event.

As the MOBA is set to receive a 12.12b micro-patch in a couple of days, the 12.13 official update will be postponed by a week and will be scheduled for July 12, 2022.

Some of the biggest highlights of the patch will be the buffs that Master Yi will be receiving on his auto-attack range, as well as on his healing. Gwen will go through a significant number of adjustments, and changes will make their way to every part of her kit.

Volibrear and Corki are also in for some nerfs. Divine Sunderer is set to receive adjustments as well after receiving multiple changes in 12.12.

League of Legends patch 12.13 preview

Before moving on to the list of champions who are expected to receive changes in 12.13, it’s important to note that the names mentioned below are tentative and may not reflect in the official patch.

Riot Games will first test their tweaks out in the League of Legends PBE test server before officially shipping them with the final update.

1) Champion buffs

  • Renekton
  • Elise
  • Evelynn
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Kled
  • Karthus
  • Taliyah
  • Galio
  • Vex
  • Master Yi
  • Olaf (jungle)

The Master Yi buffs have already made their way to the League of Legends PBE. Riot has increased his AA range along with making significant changes to his W, Meditate.


2) Champion nerfs

  • Corki
  • Volibear

Corki and Volibear have been enjoying the Season 12 meta quite a bit. In 12.13, they will have their kit toned down quite a bit to make them more manageable in the game.

3) Champion adjustments

  • Gwen

Gwen will be receiving a small overhaul. Changes to almost every part of her kit have already made their way to the PBE server.

4) System buffs

  • Lethality Mythics

5) System adjustments

  • Divine Sunderer

League of Legends patch 12.13 will be making its way to the live servers on July 12, 2022. It’s expected to bring a fair bit of champion updates, along with the new melee bot laner Nilah, and the 2022 Star Guardian event.

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