Major Zeri nerfs hit League of Legends PBE patch 13.07 cycle: R bonus AD reduced, health growth changes, and more

Zeri is set to receive a few nerfs for League of Legends patch 13.07 (Image via Riot Games)
Zeri is set to receive a few nerfs for League of Legends patch 13.07 (Image via Riot Games)

Zeri is definitely one of the most problematic champions in League of Legends. Despite the efforts of the developers, she continues to pose a problem in the game. In the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.07, Zeri will be nerfed in an attempt to balance her gameplay. The nerfs will primarily affect her R bonus AD, her Health growth, and her P shield steal, all of which will be decreased slightly.

However, some fans feel that these changes are insufficient and that Zeri will still be overpowered.

Full details regarding the major Zeri changes in League of Legends patch 13.07

The changes that Zeri is set to receive in League of Legends patch 13.07 are as follows:

  • Health growth reduced from 115 to 110
  • P shield steal reduced from 60% to 45%
  • R bonus AD ratio reduced from 100% to 85%

The issue with Zeri is her high damage output, unmatched kiting ability, and ability to play very safe without fear of getting jumped on, which makes it challenging to counter her. However, many players feel that these problems are not being adequately addressed with the upcoming nerfs.

Although her health growth is being slightly reduced, more significant nerfs are needed to make her vulnerable in team fights. Additionally, the nerf to her passive ability's shield is not enough to impact her survivability. Because of this, players are largely disappointed with the patch as they feel that Zeri will still remain a menace in the game.

Lastly, the bonus AD for her R ability is getting a significant nerf. This will definitely reduce her damage output by a small margin. These changes seem to indicate that the developers want to reduce her priority in drafts, but still keep her as a part of the League of Legends meta.

Overall, it is safe to say that at this point there is no direct solution to Zeri other than a rework. Unfortunately, it does not seem like Zeri will get one anytime soon since she was released just a year ago, which makes her one of the newer champions added to the game.