League of Legends patch 13.07 preview: Buffs to Katarina and Azir, Wukong nerfs, and more

League of Legends patch 13.07 preview (Image via Riot Games)
League of Legends patch 13.07 preview (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 13.07 is right around the corner, and Riot Games is looking to introduce more balance changes to the game ahead of MSI 2023. Notably, the update will bring tweaks to multiple champions in the title.

Some of the biggest highlights of the patch are the buffs making their way to Azir and Katarina. Additionally, Wukong, Vi, and Zeri will receive nerfs, with adjustments also hitting Kha’Zix, and Thresh.

When talking about League of Legends patch 13.07, the developers said:

“We're 2 patches away from MSI! Meta looks close, but some adjustments. Buffs to Azir, Katarina (+nerf to DS build), and some fringe champs. Nerfs to the JG S-tier, Thresh CC chain, Zeri, and some high WR champs like Ram, and Veigar. Adjust to Kha W (nerf) vs Q evolves (buff).”

League of Legends patch 13.07 preview

Before moving on to the champions who are listed for the upcoming update, it’s essential to note that the names mentioned are tentative and may not be a part of the official update next week.

Riot Games will first test the changes out in the League of Legends PBE before making them a part of the official 13.07 update.

1) Champion Buffs

  • Azir
  • Katarina
  • Kalista
  • Graves
  • Alistar
  • Yasuo

Katarina and Graves haven’t been doing well in the season 13 meta. Fortunately, with 13.07, they will be getting a bit of love from the balance team.

Champion nerfs

  • Rammus
  • Veigar
  • Olaf
  • Sejuani
  • Vi
  • Wukong
  • Lee Sin
  • Zeri
  • Annie

Zeri will be receiving yet another set of nerfs. Some of the S-tier jungle champions like Wukong, Lee Sin, and Sejuani will also be nerfed. Additionally, Annie will be taking a hit as she has been one of the more difficult champions to deal with in both the mid and bot lane.


2) Champion Adjustments

  • Kha’Zix
  • Thresh

3) System Buffs

  • Death Dance

4) System nerfs

  • Rod of Ages

5) System Adjustments

  • Cosmic Drive

League of Legends patch 13.07 is scheduled for next week and is expected to officially drop on April 5, 2023.