Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) approaches half a million raised for Doctors Without Borders

(Image Credit: Gamespot)
(Image Credit: Gamespot)

Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) has been going for a few days after making the switch to its new form as an online exclusive event. Now that it's roughly halfway complete, SGDQ is quickly approaching the half-million mark in terms of donations.

SGDQ: Speedrunners do their part to fight a global pandemic

SGDQ and its sister event AGDQ have become the year’s two biggest events for speedrunners to showcase their skills. Usually held as large, live in-person events, this global pandemic has forced them to switch to online events to help combat the spread of COVID-19.

It's fitting then that SGDQ will help fund medical personnel responsible for providing important medical aid to those in need.

Games featured at SGDQ

SGDQ shows that the speedrunning community is willing to put their collective effort together to turn almost anything into an event. This spirit of competition is part of what makes speedruns so enjoyable to watch.

Games as varied and different as The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening and The Last of Us both ended up being featured on the SGDQ live stream. Past SGDQ events have also featured games from the FIFA or NBA2K series, showing that there's a speedrun category for almost anything.

Viewers can also donate to get their favorite speedrunners to fulfill certain stipulations, such as whether or not to save the animals in Metroid or to see special bonus programming, like the new Resident Evil 3: Remake speedrun.

Incentives and prizes

These challenges allow viewers the ability to participate in SGDQ even if they aren’t able to be there in person. To donate, all you have to do is go to the SGDQ website and follow their donate link. Here, it will ask you for an amount and allow you to enter for a chance to win a prize and put your donation toward some type of incentive.

These incentives are part of what has helped the SGDQ and AGDQ events become so successful. If you want to do your part to help Doctors Without Borders, or you’re just interested in watching some talented gamers play fast, be sure to check it out.