Today's NYT Connections hints will help you figure out the categories for puzzle #457 (September 10, 2024). Today's riddle has words that talk about different types of something, things that have at least one king, and more. However, since the categories remain hidden until you can figure out the words that fit them, it often gets hard for the players to save their winning streak.
This article brings hints that will help you to figure out the sections for today's puzzle. It also provides the answers for today's puzzle, in case you don't want to rely solely on the hints to save your winning streak.
Today's NYT Connections hints (September 10, 2024)
Some of today's words denote diversity, while some others denote things where we can find a king. The table below provides all the hints that can lead you towards the answers.
Also read: Spelling Bee solver
Today's NYT Connections answers (September 10, 2024)
While we have provided plenty of hints for different categories throughout the article, many might fail to figure out the categories. For their help, the table below holds all the answers for the NYT Connections puzzle of September 10, 2024.
Also read: Mini Crossword puzzle
Also read: Previous Connections, NYT Connections hints and answers (September 9, 2024)
Check out our NYT Connections Helper to get hints and answers for today's connections puzzle.