Nocturne, Akali, and Xin Zhao nerfs are on the way as Riot outlines preview for League of Legends patch 11.14

League of Legends patch 11.14 preview brings Nocturne, Akali, and Xin Zhao nerfs ( Image via Riot Games)
League of Legends patch 11.14 preview brings Nocturne, Akali, and Xin Zhao nerfs ( Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends is well into patch 11.13, and Riot is already teasing some changes that players can expect from the upcoming update. The latter have embellished their game with relentless updates and players definitely appreciate it.

In this patch, League of Legends devs will be looking to bring in significant quality of life updates for those champions who were severely impacted by the item alterations that happened in the last update.

To those unaware, League of Legends patch 11.13 introduced significant mobility nerfs that aimed at reducing the number of movement options brought upon by some items.

Now, in a recent tweet, League of Legend’s lead gameplay designer Jeevun ‘Jag’ Sidhu opened up about some of the champion modifications the devs will be looking to implement in 11.14. Sharing their intentions behind this new endeavor, he stated:

The tweet reads,

“11.14 Patch Preview is here! Responding to some champions that were hit too hard by systemic changes, as well as a few shifts regarding newly updated champions.”

League of Legends patch 11.14 preview

Here are some of the changes that Riot has planned for League of Legends patch 11.14:

League of Legends System Buffs:

  • Dead Man’s Plate

League of Legends Champion Nerfs

  • Akali
  • Karma
  • Malzahar
  • Nocturne (Lane Sustain)
  • Shaco
  • Xin Zhao
  • Zigga

Mid-lane Nocturn has been slowly growing in trend ever since the professional players started flexing him on the competitive stage. He can be incredibly difficult to deal with when he gets going, and by nerfing his lane sustain, Riot will be looking to tone down much of his oppressive nature.

League of Legends Champion Buffs

  • Darius
  • Garen
  • Graves
  • Illaoi
  • Ivern
  • Rek’Sai
  • Taric
  • Seraphine

The item mobility nerfs hit some of the top lane bruisers rather hard. Hence, Darius, Garen, and Illaoi will be getting significant quality of life updates in the upcoming patch.

League of Legends Champion Adjustments

  • Dr. Mundo (top/jungle skew)
  • Irelia (Pro skew)
  • Lillia (pro skew)
  • Tahm Kench (support/top skew)

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