Pokemon Go: Data mine reveals information on Adventure Week and New Avatar items

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Pokemon Go is bringing back Adventure Week in 2019. Introduced in 2017, the Adventure Week is a special week where you can reap fruitful rewards such as bonus encounters with Rock-Type Pokemon, frequent specific Pokemon from eggs as well as bonus candies and XP.

Although there are no details from Niantic yet on what the tasks are, a data mine from Pokemon Go data miner Chrales has revealed that there is going to be some new tasks for the Adventure Week. It doesn't reveal what the rewards for these Research Tasks are.

But given the occurrence bonuses for most of the Pokemon such as Onix, Aron, etc. it will be relatively easy to complete these Field Research Tasks.

More cosmetic items have also been released for your Pokemon Go Avatar if you fancy that sort of thing. Items included "GO Fest 2019" and a couple of sets which are called "Ruin Maniac" and "Backpacker".

Players also have a chance of encountering Shiny Onix, Lileep or Anorith if they are lucky. You can also get a whopping 50,000 Stardust and 15 Rare Candies if you turn on Adventure Sync with a buddy of yours.

If you turn on Adventure Sync, you get 4 times the Buddy Candy. You need to walk a total of 50km with your Adventure Sync buddy in order to get a huge amount of Stardust and Rare Candy. There will also be Rock-Type Raid Bosses such as Onix and others which will reward you if you defeat them.

The patch is expected to hit in a few hours and it will be available between June 4 and June 11, 8 PM UTC. You don't want to miss the Adventure Week because you can get tons of Stardust and Rare Candies which are not easy items to farm in the game.

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