PUBG Mobile 1.0 New Era Announcement: Key points and list of changes

The PUBG Mobile 1.0 New Era has been announced
The PUBG Mobile 1.0 New Era has been announced

PUBG Mobile has, since its release, continuously been cracking all the records and achieving new milestones. In the recently scheduled announcement stream named PUBG Mobile New Era Announcement, the developers promised a ton of alterations and developments to the game.

All this content will get added to the upcoming PUBG Mobile 1.0 update, which the officials have confirmed will be released soon. However, the exact release date is still a mystery, but the list of forthcoming additions has been announced officially.

Here's a look at the critical details of this communication and the changes coming to the game.

PUBG Mobile New Era announcement key points

#1 New tech

With the arrival of the 1.0 update, the initial changes that players will notice are the significant enhancements and optimisations in the overall graphics. The developers have pledged to bring character improvements, along with updated in-game graphics and in-game environments.

As we all know, Erangel 2.0 is coming with the forthcoming update. Hence, all of these significant changes will be seen in this revamped version of the classic map.

New Tech
New Tech

#2 New UX

For those who don't know, UX is an abbreviation for User Experience. The officials also proclaimed the introduction of a brand new user experience or interface, which will include a new interactive, UI Lobby and improved system animations.

Moreover, the players will be able to customise every single segment of the lobby according to their needs. With some more visual tech elements, the gameplay experience is going to get enhanced in PUBG Mobile!

New UX (User Experience)
New UX (User Experience)

#3 New Era: Mysterious surprise

The mysteries are not over yet. One more major announcement, according to PUBG Mobile, is set to be made on 8th September. As per speculation, the officials will declare the Erangel 2.0 map and its release date on this day.

PUBG Mobile announced on their stream:

"This version will usher PUBG Mobile into a New Era. A long waited suprise is soon to come. But for now, we'll just leave it as a mystery and invite everyone to logon on Spetmber 8."
Mysterious surprise
Mysterious surprise

Also read: PUBG Mobile New Era 1.0: Character improvements, upgraded graphics, new lobby, UI and more

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