"Something doesn’t feel right": Dr DisRespect suspects Warzone's aim assist was secretly buffed

Dr DisRespect has an issue with Warzone's aim assist (Image via Dr DisRespect YouTube)
Dr DisRespect has an issue with Warzone's aim assist (Image via Dr DisRespect YouTube)

Dr DisRespect has reignited the "aim assist debate" in Call of Duty: Warzone. The popular American YouTuber believes the aim assist system for the popular battle royale title was given an under the radar buff after being left stunned by some recent eliminations.

Warzone is one of many titles to have cross-platform play, allowing players with different hardware to come together and battle it out in the streets of Verdansk.

However, this has only reinvigorated the debate surrounding controller aim assist against those who prefer a keyboard and mouse.

Over the last few months, developers have received tons of SOS calls from streamers asking for the settings to be nerfed. While that hasn't necessarily happened, Dr DisRespect believes the aim assist has been buffed in recent weeks.

Dr DisRespect is constantly been eliminated in Warzone and believes it has do something with players using controllers

The infamous 'Two-Time' has been pretty vocal about his dislike of players using controllers, as it gives them an unfair advantage against those who prefer the more primitive keyboard and mouse setup.

Although he always gets annoyed every time he is eliminated, his most recent eliminations involved precise and crisp bursts to the head, which left him fuming.


Here's how the Doc reacted:

"I may as well plug in my controller at this point, huh. It’s (aim assist) insane, it just doesn’t allow you to miss any bullets. Has there been an update to that thing? A secret little sneak through a patch update that makes the aim assist a little bit stronger?"

One of Dr DisRespect's viewers was quick to point out that even popular streamer and Fortnite professional player Dennis "Cloakzy" Lepore claims that aim assist is “broken” currently, to which Dr DisRespect agreed without much hesitation.

Dr DisRespect is often found streaming Warzone with Cloakzy, TimTheTatman, and DrLupo.

The 'Two-Time' revealed how he has felt clueless for a while now, so much so that he believes every player has become a "magnetic aiming genius."

Furthermore, Doc, TimTheTatman, and DrLupo even decided to stream a few games of Warzone using controllers. And while it did take some time for the trio to familiarize themselves with the mechanics of a controller, they were soon absolutely ruthless with them.

Aim assist is supposed to level the playing field for every player. However, several Warzone players, including Dr DisRespect equate it with cheating and hacking.

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