Symfuhny allegedly says the N-Word on live stream, leaves the Internet divided

Image via Symfuhny
Image via Symfuhny

Symfuhny, a popular streamer, allegedly said the N-Word, but many aren't so sure that's what he actually said.

There is no confirmation as to what exactly he said. Some think that Symfuhny said the reappropriated version of the n-word, some think that he stuttered. The side that thinks he stuttered believes that he said "I think, uh" quickly.

The reactions to this situation have been very mixed. Some are angry that he sounds like he said the n-word slur. They claim that he should not be using the term at all and that it has no place on Twitch.

Others who think he said the n-word complain that no one can say it on a stream. They also claim to hear the word very often, with one user even saying the blacklash is a form of taking away freedom of speech.

Users who claim Symfuhny never said the slur say that it sounds like he stuttered while speaking. They are sure that people are taking the situation out of hand and are angry that anyone would accuse Symfuhny of that behavior.

Other Popular streamers have commented on the situation:

What Symfuhny said is still very unclear. No one can say if the n-word was said or if it was a stutter and Symfunhy has yet to comment on it.

Related: PewDiePie apologizes for uttering racial slur during Cyberpunk 2077 stream

Twitch may get on the situation and ban Symfuhny over the controversy

He began trending over other big creators, commenting on his situation. Normally, clout can be considered good, just because it gains fame. This kind of clout, however, is very bad because of the implications of having said that kind of slur over Twitch.

Twitch is very direct about their feelings on using a slur, as seen when C9 Ziqo was banned when Twitch thought that he used a homophobic slur. If Twitch thinks that Symfuhny used the slur, even if it's still speculative, they will initiate the ban.

Only time will tell if Twitch will step in and give a verdict on the controversy.

Related: Twitter ridiculed for trying to cancel "Fitz" for saying the R-word during a Minecraft game

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