Teemo’s win-rate in the top lane shoots up after the recent League of Legends patch 11.21 buff

Teemo’s pick rate and win rate go up significantly in League of Legends patch 11.21 (Image via Riot Games)
Teemo’s pick rate and win rate go up significantly in League of Legends patch 11.21 (Image via Riot Games)

Teemo mains are having quite a bit of fun in the top lane after the buffs in League of Legends patch 11.21, and he is currently enjoying one of the highest win rates and pick rates in the role.

The version 11.21 update reduced the cooldown on Teemo’s Q “Blinding Dart”, and even extended its effect duration to 3 seconds at max rank. Hence, with the correct item build and ability haste Teemo can keep an enemy in a permanent state of blindness.

However, Teemo buffs were not the only things that League of Legends patch 11.21 brought along with it. The nerfs to Mythic, Goredrinker, and the Conqueror keystone made it so that some of his best counters have a more challenging time laning against him.

These nerfs not only benefitted Teemo but another top lane pick, Camille, who too is seeing a higher pick and win rate just like him.

Post patch 11.21, Teemo and Camille dominated the League of Legends top lane meta in ranked solo-queue.

Teemo’s pick rate and win rate go up significantly in League of Legends patch 11.21

Teemo has grown to be an incredibly viable pick in the top lane in League of Legends patch 11.21. According to OP.GG, his win rate shot up to 50.55 across all ranked tiers and regions, with a pick rate of 8.02%, making him the 6th most popular champion in the lane.

But along with this picrate, Teemo’s ban rate has gone up as well, and he banned 25.56% of the time, and he is currently the 12th most banned champion in the entirety of the League of Legends roster.

Teemo’s build path and Runes have also changed slightly since the buff, and players are opting for the Press the Attack keystone and going down the Precision tree line.

Dark Harvest was generally the preferred keystone. However, “attack speed, on-hit” Teemo seems to be what the top lane meta is more inclined towards.

Hence, after completing Liandry’s Anguish, Teemo mains are rushing Nashor’s Tooth and opting into Demonic Embrace or Morellonomicon.

Puff caps are not the only thing that Teemo relies on now, and his Blinding Dart and auto attacks make him a force to reckon with in League of Legends patch 11.21.

Teemo used to be a troll pick in previous patches, but he has grown to be an immensely viable pick for the ranked solo-queue climb in the current top lane meta.

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