TFT: Beginners Guide to Team Fight Tactics

Via Riot Games
Via Riot Games

Team Fight Tactics is the Riot's take on the genre of autobattler. It is already out on PBE and should arrive on live servers pretty soon. Here are the basics of the game-

The main emphasis should be on building the best team. Each match is divided into different rounds. Every round you are given gold and selection of 5 characters to choose from. Every champion has an Origin and a class. There are 13 origins and 10 classes in total. Building a team with the same Class or origin will activate bonus synergies. Try different combinations for better results. For example, if you pair Warwick with Rek'Sai they will get bonus health since both of them are brawlers.

Every champion has a unique ability in the game. Blitzcrank has a rocket grab which hooks the farthest enemy and like that every champion has one ability. At the end of every round, you get to spend your gold. There are three ways to spend your gold. Buying champion for your team, refreshing the available champions for selection and using gold to buy XP. The more XP you have the more champions you can have on board.

Now to the battling part, the game begins with every player in the centre of the board. There you have a carousel with rotating champions. You have to touch the champion you want before anyone else. First two rounds will be against computer which gives you a chance to build your team. Starting from round 3 you will be paired against real players. The last standing player on the board will be the eventual winner.

If you are struggling in the game there is catchup mechanic available. Every now and then the carousel from the beginning will return with a variety of champions. The player at the last position will have the option to pick the champion first. This maintains a proper balance in a match.

Apart from champion neutral monsters will appear on the board here and there. Killing them will grant items. Items can be applied on champions to make their base stats better. Items can also be combined together to form a more powerful item.

That's all you need to know before playing the game. The game is pretty fun and very engaging at the same time. Make sure to give it a chance when it comes to live servers.