Top 3 secondary weapons in COD Mobile

(Image Credit: Activision)
(Image Credit: Activision)

COD Mobile has a ton of primary weapon options, which is easy to do when so many previous COD games can be pulled from. Each season continues to bring more primary weapons for players to test out, and there doesn't seem to be any slowing down.

For some reason, the secondary weapon section appears to be completely lacking, especially in comparison to the massive library of primary weapons. Regardless, carrying a secondary weapon can be a lifesaver in COD Mobile, and they serve different purposes. Here are 3 staple secondaries in COD Mobile.

Top 3 secondary weapons in COD Mobile

#3 - FHJ-18

The FHJ-18 (Image Credit: IGN)
The FHJ-18 (Image Credit: IGN)

Out of the two rocket launcher secondaries, the FHJ-18 is the more versatile and useful of the two weapons. It's not as good as the SMRS when it comes to free firing against enemy players but it's a lot more of a tool.

Whether it's in a multiplayer match or a battle royale game, the FHJ-18 is the best option for shooting down killstreaks and vehicles. The lock-on feature makes it easy to take aerial vehicles down, and each rocket packs an impressive punch. If utility and destruction are what a player wants, the FHJ-18 is going to be the best tool for the job.

#2 - Knife

The knife (Image Credit:
The knife (Image Credit:

The knife may seem like the most basic secondary on the list, and it might even look like a useless option to a lot of COD Mobile players. However, the knife serves as far more than just a place holder when there are no other options on the table for a secondary weapon.

Due to the tough nature of aiming in COD Mobile, especially with newer players, taking out a knife in close quarters can be a quick and efficient way to win a fight. The other major reason to carry a knife comes down to speed. When the knife is taken out, players move at their fastest. It can make moving across maps and getting to locations far quicker. A quick swap back and forth between knife and primary is an easy way to get a speed boost.

#1 - MW11

The MW11 (Image Credit: IGN)
The MW11 (Image Credit: IGN)

Essentially the Colt 1911, the MW11 is the most versatile secondary weapon in the game and will be the most useful throughout any game mode. It doesn't take down vehicles, and it doesn't offer as much speed as the knife but it can win engagements for snipers or anyone who runs out of ammo.

When there are only two handgun secondary weapons to choose from, the MW11 is the easy choice in COD Mobile.

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