Top 5 shiny Pokemon from Johto

Image via Tom Salazar
Image via Tom Salazar

Shiny Pokemon are incredibly rare, and Johto has some of the best around.

Johto came with the Second Generation of Pokemon. Along with it, the possibility of a Pokemon being Shiny was also added. The flashing stars when a shiny Pokemon appears are still enough to make a trainer go wild.


The Shiny forms of Johto Pokemon weren't all incredibly different than their normal colors. Unfortunately, that has happened often.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.

Top 5 shiny Pokemon from Johto

#5 - Houndoom

Image via Game Freak
Image via Game Freak

Houndoom is a super intimidating Dark/Fire-type. It typically has a reddish snout and stomach, while its rest is a blackish gray color. These original colors make it look pretty tough. The Shiny version takes the red and lightens it a bit too orange, then changes the black to blue. Something about this Houndoom stands out.

#4 - Steelix

Image via Game Freak
Image via Game Freak

Steelix is a big metal snake. It is categorized as the Iron Snake Pokemon. It has a sleek silver color across its entire body. The Shiny version of Steelix takes that silver and turns it gold. The gold color makes its menacing smirk, and eyes pop out much more than the silver does.

#3 - Ho-Oh

Image via Game Freak
Image via Game Freak

Ho-Oh has the best Shiny version out of all the Johto Legendaries. Instead of its normal rainbow-like colors, it gets a simpler approach. That simple approach makes it incredibly cool to look at. Its tail becomes white, as does the top of its head. The red, white, and green of its wings are then switched to yellow, orange, and red. It is awesome.

#2 - Scizor

Image via Game Freak
Image via Game Freak

Scyther is a big green bug. Everyone knows that fact. That is why there was some confusion when it evolved into a big red bug. Shiny version of Scizor remedies that confusion. Instead of the red metal fighter, Scizor is a bright green. This is what it would look like if Scizor maintained the colors of Scyther.

#1 - Umbreon

Image via Game Freak
Image via Game Freak

Umbreon truly may be the least changed of all Johto Shiny variants, but it is the best. Umbreon has rings around its ears and tail. It also has circles on its forehead and legs. Those areas are yellow, while the rest of its body is black. The Shiny version takes the yellow and turns it blow. That simplistic change made one of the best Shiny forms in all of Pokemon.