Top 5 strange achievements in Genshin Impact that you might not know about

Genshin Impact has many achievements for players to unlock. Some are just a bit stranger than others.
Genshin Impact has many achievements for players to unlock. Some are just a bit stranger than others.

Primogems are the most coveted currency in Genshin Impact, allowing players to purchase wishes and feed into the gacha system, and one of the easiest ways to stack up on Primogems is by unlocking achievements.

Most of them are listed within the Achievements panel of the menu. Of course, players have long since found out that more achievements exist than just the ones the game showcases.

Many achievements are easy to unlock for players who just play Genshin Impact as they normally would, whether they’re hidden achievements or otherwise. Some, however, require the player to take strange or even counterintuitive actions in the game.

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The 5 most strange achievements in Genshin Impact

#1 - If you put your heart into it…

Poorly cooking a Steak in Genshin Impact
Poorly cooking a Steak in Genshin Impact

Many players, especially in the early game, rely quite a bit on food to keep their party healthy. Players without a solid healer often need a good stockpile of rations, unless they can get all the healing they need from a Statue of the Seven.

So, it’s no surprise that many players have come across rewards for cooking foods perfectly and mastering dishes. This achievement, however, is given for cooking a meal as poorly as possible.

After cooking a meal poorly for the first time, players are rewarded with this five-Primogem achievement. To cook a meal poorly, players must stop cooking either before or after the yellow “Success” bars.

Perhaps even stranger is that this achievement has a second stage; cooking nine more meals poorly will unlock another five-Primogem achievement called “anyone can be a gourmet…”

#2 - Bon Appétit

A Genshin Impact party of full characters
A Genshin Impact party of full characters

The “Bon Appétit” achievement rewards players for feeding their party members to the max.

The condition here is that all four party members need to be full enough that they can’t take another bite even if the player tried to feed them more.

For players who want to get this 10-Primogem achievement over and done with, there is an easy way to go about it. Lower-level characters have smaller stomachs. That is to say: less food is needed to make them full. So, players can simply fill a party with their lowest-level characters, then just use the most economic foods to fill them up.

#3 - Quest Failed

Barbara failing to locate a bounty in Genshin Impact (image via Reimein)
Barbara failing to locate a bounty in Genshin Impact (image via Reimein)

Patch 1.1 introduced the weekly bounty quests, which will increase the player's reputation in a city when completed.

This achievement, as the name suggests, rewards players for failing a bounty mission. Since bounties operate somewhat uniquely, many players who started their first bounty hunt without reading the instructions may have gotten this achievement by accident.

Players who haven’t yet gotten this achievement can get this one done in a pinch. By simply accepting a bounty, going to the target area and waiting out the clock, they will earn themselves five Primogems.

#4 - Run, Melos!

Ninguang jumping and sprinting in Genshin Impact (image via Airyuken)
Ninguang jumping and sprinting in Genshin Impact (image via Airyuken)

The “Run, Melos!” achievement is awarded to players when one of their characters sprints for 15 consecutive seconds. This achievement is a tedious one because most early-game players don’t have enough stamina to run for that long.

Fortunately, there is a workaround to this. Even players who’ve just begun the game can get this achievement if they execute some movement mechanics correctly.

By beginning to jump repeatedly at the end of the sprint, the game will still consider the in-play character to be sprinting. The dash animation will actually carry over, as players will see their character doing some sprint-jumps even at empty stamina.

#5 - Boared to Death

A Wild Boar charging at Keqing in Genshin Impact
A Wild Boar charging at Keqing in Genshin Impact

In combat, every player is bound to have a character go down at some point. This achievement, however, urges players to let a character die in a more embarrassing fashion.

After a character is killed by a Wild Boar, players unlock this achievement and gather five Primogems.

An easy way to get this achievement is by using a character whose health bar is already very low. If none are already available, players can direct a character jump off a tall ledge, then use a low-HP reviving meal to heal them.

Creeping up to a Boar from behind is the best strategy here, trying to get it to turn around and charge in the process

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