Top 5 tips to rank up faster in Dota 2

Dota 2 ranked medal (Image via Valve)
Dota 2 ranked medal (Image via Valve)

MMR, or Matchmaking Rank, and the medal associated with it are arguably the only visible metrics of a player’s skill in Dota 2. While playing the game solo or with friends is fun in itself, grinding the ranked ladder in Dota 2 is a beast of its own kind.

Skill is a very ambiguous concept in Dota 2. Even two players with the same MMR can have a massive disparity when one of the gameplay aspects is considered. For example, one could last hit really well while struggling to choose proper targets in teamfights, and the other could lead their team and be good at shotcalling while struggling with mechanics themselves.

Keeping all that in mind, there are still some general things that players can work on to have an edge over others in ranked matchmaking. Here are the top five tips for any Dota 2 player trying to rank up faster.

How to rank up faster in Dota 2

#5 - Narrow down your hero pool

While playing different heroes in every match sounds like fun, a solid and small hero pool that a player has a good grasp of is one of the most effective ways in gaining MMR. Playing on a "comfort" hero gives the player headspace to think more about the state of the game and other things, rather than getting tunnel visioned in using their own hero’s skills, items, positioning and so on.

It is best for a player to focus on two roles of their choice - preferably one between the hard carry, mid and off-lane role, and one between soft support and hard support, and then picking up two or three heroes for each role to learn.

#4 - Check resources outside of the game

Dota 2 is arguably one of the most complex esports games in existence. Therefore, to get better at the game, only playing it regularly does not suffice. To improve at a significant rate, it is necessary to look for resources outside of the game.

Dota2ProTracker is a great place to see how top-tier players are playing a particular hero. For other general concepts like creep pulling, stacking, farming patterns and the like, the Youtube channels of BSJ, Jenkins and ZQuixotix are worth checking upon.

#3 - Watch your own replays

Watching the replays of the games you have played minutely can make it easier to find your flaws, which can be hard to pick up in the excitement of a Dota 2 match. Comparing your own replays with those of pro players is also an eye-opener in terms of how much a hero can be pushed to their limits.

#2 - Focus on your own mistakes

Dota 2 is a team game and it can be frustrating when one player in the team is majorly responsible for a loss. But a player should not be too perturbed by such situations. Sheerly by the law of averages, there are times when an equally bad player is on the enemy's side.

Since ranking up faster is the mantra, the best one can do is focus on their own mistakes and learn and practice so that they don’t make the same mistakes again.

#1 - Positive mental attitude

Nothing beats PMA (positive mental attitude) when it comes to ranking up faster in Dota 2. Complimenting teammates after they've done something well, clicking "Whoops!" in the chat wheel after committing a mistake or just being empathetic toward teammates in general, can make a player win otherwise unwinnable matches.