5 most expensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive weapon skins

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

Since the release of the Arms Deal update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in 2013, it has witnessed an uprise in the in-game transactions, thus leading to some jaw-dropping skin prices.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been one of the first games to introduce in-game cosmetic trading. The Arms Deal update in 2013 saw more than 100 new weapon cosmetics, which were termed as 'skins' by the community. These skins start dirt cheap and go all the way up to what would probably set anyone a few months back on their rent.

Skins can be earned in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive via the following methods:

  • Via random drops by playing the game.
  • Unboxing them from weapon/promotional containers.
  • Trading 10 skins of the same rarity for a random higher quality item using the trade-up option.
  • Trading with other players or on third-party websites.

Here are some of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive weapon skins, which despite their price tags, are probably worth the splurge for most players.

5 most expensive weapon skins in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

#5 - AWP | Medusa

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

According to the in-game description of this skin for the infamous AWP from The Gods and Monsters Collection, the Medusa skin has been custom-painted with the image of a gorgon, thus keeping up to the caption given, 'If you can see me, you're already dead.'

One of the most beautiful skins for the AWP in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the Medusa variant not only makes the weapon look extremely fierce but also makes the players look and feel powerful. It's no wonder that this skin is priced at $1,300 in the Steam Community Market.

#4 M4A1-S | Knight

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

The Knight variant skin for the M4A1-S from the Cobblestone Collection comes with brass inlays on a renaissance armor theme and is most often used for trading-up to avail a skin from the Dragon Lore Collection.

This skin from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is priced at around $1,500 in the Steam Community Store.

#3 AWP | The Prince

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

The Prince variant for the all-powerful AWP has been custom-painted with a red base and gold filigree. The skin's tagline states, 'Peace be with thee,' as the elegant look of the skin gives players a rather princely feeling while grabbing the one shot kills.

This skin from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is priced at around $1,600 in the Steam Community Market.

#2 M4A4 | Howl

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

The Howl variant of the M4A4 weapon has been custom-painted with the image of a snarling wolf, which makes the weapon look absolutely gorgeous on any map in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Priced at around $2,100, the M4A4 Howl is definitely one of the most expensive skins in the game, which most players aim to buy even though it doesn't enhance anyone's ability.

#1 AWP | Dragon Lore

(Image Credits: Valve)
(Image Credits: Valve)

One of the rarest skins in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the Dragon Lore variant for the AWP has been custom-painted with a 'knotwork dragon.'

Priced at around $2,200, the appealing looks that make the weapon seem terrifying makes players believe that it is definitely the only skin to have when playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

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