Valorant: Best Wallbang Spots in Ascent

Image Courtesy: Riot Games
Image Courtesy: Riot Games

There are not many things more satisfying in a shooter than pulling off a successful ‘wallbang’. Not only will shooting and killing your enemies through a wall help you rack up a series of highlight reels, but it will also annoy your opponents enough to make them call you a hacker.

In a shooter like Valorant, each map has a variety of wallbang spots that you can take advantage of. These angles and areas will allow you to rack up free and easy kills while catching your opponents unaware.

The top wallbang spots that we are going to talk about in this article are located in the Ascent Map. It is one of the latest additions to Valorant and comes with a variety of thin walls that allow bullets to pass through unhindered.

However, before we get into the guide let us first get an overview of the various callouts in the Ascent Map in Valorant.

Callouts in Valorant Ascent Map

Valorant Ascent Map Overview
Valorant Ascent Map Overview

Wallbang Spots in Site B

#1 Between B Back and B Main

Between B Back and B Main

There is an area between B-back and B-main which has weird sheep graffiti and a lot of soft brick walls.

It is one of the most popular wallbang spots for LMG users in Valorant and it allows the defending team to get some quick kills on attackers who charge into B-main from B lobby.

Inversely, the attackers can use this specific wall as well:

Attackers in Valorant can also use this wall
Attackers in Valorant can also use this wall

They can spam it beforehand if they notice that a defender has been camping in that spot most of the time.

#2 B Site Shed Wallbang Spot

In post-plant scenarios in Valorant, the attacking team generally camps out in certain predetermined spots to catch the enemy team on the rotation.

So, if you are on defence and the spike was planted in B, here are two wallbang spots near the door switch shed that you need to try out.

B Site Shed Wallbang Spot
B Site Shed Wallbang Spot
The attacking team camps out in certain predetermined spots during post-plant scenarios in Valorant
The attacking team camps out in certain predetermined spots during post-plant scenarios in Valorant

The first one will hit the under-tunnels in the sewers while the second one will hit the elevated box which overlooks the plant site.

#3 House Near B market

House Near B market
House Near B market

If the attacking team is pushing into B main aggressively, then here is a spot you should try with either an LMG, a Phantom or a Vandal. It’s sure to stop any aggressive push in its tracks.

Wallbang Spots in Mid

#1 Between Mid Bottom and Mid Courtyard

Between Mid-Bottom and Mid Courtyard

Attacking teams in Valorant sometimes like to aggressively push into the mid courtyard and take control of both plant sites as much as possible. If they’re moving through B-lobby into mid, then this spray angle can cut them off. Chances of getting a frag here are also quite high if you have a Sova in your team.

#2 Mid Pizza Sniper Spot

Mid Pizza Sniper Spot
Mid Pizza Sniper Spot

Attackers also use an aggressive mid push by charging through Mid-Top and continuing to the plant site in A. If that is the case, then the above wallbang point from mid-pizza can get you a few lucky kills with an operator if you get the timing just right.

#3 Mid-Top Wallbang Spot

Some defenders in Valorant like to hug the wall in Mid-Plaza until an opponent passes by
Some defenders in Valorant like to hug the wall in Mid-Plaza until an opponent passes by

Defenders in Valorant often like to hug the wall in Mid-Pizza, which allows them to camp until an opponent passes by. If you see one of the defenders doing that often, then spam the wall with either the Operator, Vandal or Phantom.

Wallbang spots in A Site

#1 A-Link, near the Shutting Doors

While defending with an Operator, Vandal or Phantom in A-site, here is one amazing wallbang spot that you can try. Right beside the controller for the door is an angle between two bricks, which will lead the bullets directly to the Ultimate Orb on the other side.

An angle between two bricks will lead the bullets directly to the Ultimate Orb

Wallbang spot in A-Link

So, if you hear a sound cue of someone collecting that orb, don’t be shy to spam it.

#2 A Rafter

There are 2 cosy hiding spots below A Rafter, where the attackers generally tend to sneak into after planting the spike.

There are two cosy spots below A Rafter
There are two cosy spots below A Rafter
You can spam from the top of the rafters on both sides
You can spam from the top of the rafters on both sides

In this case, you can spam from the top of the rafters, on both the left and right sides, to kill or weed out any enemies who may be camping there.

There are way more wall bang spots on the Ascent Map that you can try out. These were just some of our personal favourites and they come with a very high rate of success.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh