What's the best Search and Destroy map in Black Ops Cold War?

The best maps in Search and Destroy allow for the best flow between bomb points (Image via Treyarch)
The best maps in Search and Destroy allow for the best flow between bomb points (Image via Treyarch)

Search and Destroy in Black Ops Cold War changes the flow of the maps in Multiplayer, and Moscow is one of the best examples of that flow.

The best maps in Search and Destroy allow for the best flow between bomb points. When a map places the bomb points in poor positions, it can mess with the entire way in which the map is played.

Allowing those locations to be placed in balanced ways is one factor that goes into a good Search and Destroy map.

Search and Destroy maps in Black Ops Cold War

Moscow is a great map design for Search and Destroy (Image via Treyarch)
Moscow is a great map design for Search and Destroy (Image via Treyarch)

How A and B bomb points are placed on Moscow allows a balanced attempt for both sides to cover at least one point from the start. The A point is a bit more out of the way for attackers, and it can act as a convergence point for both teams. It creates a balanced flow for movement on the map.

Aside from well-placed A and B bomb positions, Moscow is a great map design for Search and Destroy. If a map has too many sight lines or is too large, it can drastically slow down how the round is played or could encourage camping. On the opposite side of that, too many tight places to hide can also encourage hiding and camping.

Moscow offers both close-quarter routes as well as some small sight lines, with plenty of variety for both defending and attacking teams. A map like Cartel is the opposite of what players would want for Search and Destroy. There are too many routes, and the overuse of bushes on the map can be a nightmare.

Checkmate is another great map for Search and Destroy. It has three simple lanes for players to navigate and isn't too large of a map. Sight lines are also limited and need to be used skillfully to get real longshots.

The placement of the bomb points encourages the use of the center map plane while giving the defenders time to stick by the A point. Checkmate's design offers a fast flow to the match without too much complication.

Crossroads would be the third of the best maps. It is simply a great map regardless of the game mode. Like Checkmate, it has three lanes with a great middle convergence.