When are Akshan and the new Ruination-themed skins going live in League of Legends? 

Akshan in League of Legends is coming arriving (Image via League of Legends)
Akshan in League of Legends is coming soon (Image via League of Legends)

The Sentinels of Light event is currently running in full flow within the League of Legends client.

This is the biggest event that Riot has ever done which even surpasses the Spirit Blossom Festival. Last year, they released a bunch of skins which included Yasuo, Ahri, Thresh, Vayne, Riven, and many others. Those are by far some of the best looking ones in their category, and therefore the expectations were quite high this year.

Riot has already released some brilliant skins in the past week, including Vayne, Irelia, Diana, Riven, Olaf, and Pantheon. However, more of them are about to come, including a new champion as well. This will go live on the 22nd of July when the 11.15 patch hits the client within League of Legends.

Key releases with 11.15 in League of Legends

1) Akshan

Akshan the Rogue Sentinel (Image via League of Legends)
Akshan the Rogue Sentinel (Image via League of Legends)

Akshan is the latest champion in League of Legends and is expected to change the game quite a lot. He has a really unique design and is expected to play a huge role both within the game as well as in terms of lore. He is supposed to be a cornerstone in taking down the Ruined King Viego from destroying the world.

The current description on the League of Legends website says,

"Akshan’s got a lot going on. He’s a Sentinel of Light who swings into battle wielding an ancient weapon of tremendous power. He’s a man who believes in doing the right thing, no matter the cost. And he’s got a nice smile to boot."
"Oh, did we mention he’s a midlane marksman with a grappling gun, stealth, and a revive? Don’t worry, we’ll get to that later.

2) Ruined Miss Fortune

Ruined Miss Fortune (Image via League of Legends)
Ruined Miss Fortune (Image via League of Legends)

This is one of the most anticipated skins set to be released along with the new patch. Obviously, the release of the skin will mean new character animations and, at the same time, have more lore implications. How Miss Fortune becomes ruined will definitely be an interesting thing to observe.

3) Sentinel Rengar

Sentinel Rengar (Image via League of Legends)
Sentinel Rengar (Image via League of Legends)

Rengar is a hunter who thrives at killing those who are evil and dangerous. Therefore, it goes without saying that the Sentinels feel that he will be a decent addition to their team.

4) Sentinel Pyke

Sentinel Pyke (Image via League of Legends)
Sentinel Pyke (Image via League of Legends)

This is probably the most surprising amongst the lot as Pyke always lives by his own rules. He is someone who does not take a step unless it means taking revenge for his current state. Therefore, it will be interesting to see how Viego ended up on his bad side.

5) Unbound Thresh

Unbound Thresh (Image via League of Legends)
Unbound Thresh (Image via League of Legends)

When it comes to Thresh, personal motives play a massive role in what he does. This is quite prevalent in the upcoming skin. There are already possible implications that Thresh might be planning something for himself. Apart from that, this skin reveals Thresh’s face just like the Spirit Blossom skin.

6) Sentinel Graves

Sentinel Graves (Image via League of Legends)
Sentinel Graves (Image via League of Legends)

In short, Graves is an outlaw who makes a living by finishing contracts. He is basically a version of Wild West within Bilgewater. However, Graves cannot continue his work if the world ends, and therefore it makes sense that he decided that the Sentinels of Light are worth his time.

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