Yuumi and Graves nerfs are on the way as Riot highlights champion updates for League of Legends patch 11.22

The League of Legends patch 11.22 preview brings Yuum and Graves nerfs (Images via Riot Games)
The League of Legends patch 11.22 preview brings Yuum and Graves nerfs (Images via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 11.22 is set to go live a week from today, and Riot Games has already started mentioning some changes that fans can look forward to in the upcoming update.

As 11.22 is going to be the final patch before the preseason changes go live, the League of Legends developers will look to keep it short and introduce minor balance updates.

The highlight of the patch will be the nerfs that Yummi and Graves are going to receive. In patch 11.21, the former has become one of the most overwhelming supports to play against and boasts the highest ban rate in both ranked solo-queue and professional League of Legends.

On the other hand, Graves has been an incredibly strong pick in the League of Legends World Championship 2021 so far. The Shieldbow into Bloodthirster build path allows him to have lots of sustain, along with damage, making him one of the best champions in the top lane meta at the moment.

Champions that will be tweaked by Riot in League of Legends patch 11.22

1) Champion buffs

  • Renekton
  • Riven
  • Kayne (Rhaast)
  • Akali
  • Kalista
  • Varus

Akali has fallen out of the League of Legends mid-lane meta quite hard in the past few patches. Hence, Riot will be helping her out a bit before the preseason hits, making her a more viable choice in multiple matchups.

2) Champion nerfs

  • Qiyana
  • Graves
  • Kha’zix
  • Yuumi
  • Maokai (support)

Apart from Yuumi and Graves, Qiyana, Kha’zix, and Maokai will get some much-needed nerfs to their kit, as Riot will be toning them down in League of Legends patch 11.22.


3) System buffs

  • Goredrinker

Riot went a little overboard with the Goredrinker nerfs in patch 11.21. It also nerfed champions like Darius and Riven to the point that it allowed the picks they countered to have a much easier time in lane.

The nerf allowed Camille and Teemo to have a much higher pick and win rate in the game. That is why the developers will be putting some stats back into the item.

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