4 Effective and Best Ways To Lose Belly Fat

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The belly fat comprises of two different types of fatty tissue – visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is stored directly below your skin whereas visceral fat is much harder to identify, as it's stored around your internal organs in your abdominal region, including your liver, pancreas and intestines. High visceral fat storage has also been linked to breast cancer, colorectal cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

You certainly need to make some lifestyle changes and with the help of proper ab workout tips, you can get the figure of your dreams by reducing your belly fat. Aesthetically belly fat does not look good and from the health point of view it can lead to serious health issues if not controlled at the right time.

Traditionally, running and brisk walking have proved to be good exercises to burn belly fat but they do not target the abdominal muscles completely. Exercises are important because it helps to burn calories, helps to decrease your body fat and further helps you to tone up your other body muscles by targeting specific areas.

Exercise is important but you need to understand that in the world of health and fitness, diet is 80% of your results and exercise will account for around 20%. The fat cells that gather around your lower abdomen or 'beta fat' cells are notoriously hard to get rid of. It is never too late to begin, so follow the mentioned exercises along with a good diet to trim your waistline.

#1 V-Ups


V-up exercise target the abdominal muscles and help in toning down the obliques. This exercise utilises your upper body weight to isolate the core to strengthen it. It also helps to work on your back muscles and also the quadriceps and hamstrings at the same time. It is important to warm up before doing this exercise as it will prevent you from strains and injuries.


Step 1: Begin by laying flat on the floor or mat. Hold for as long as possible. Repeat this move as many times as you can for one minute.

Step 2: Now slowly raise the arms to meet the knees, forming a V.

Step 3: Tighten your abdominal muscles, and rely on your core strength to keep you balanced in this position. Hold for as long as you can.

Important Tip: Do this exercise non-stop for 60 seconds. It is important to maintain a good core position and a strong spine while performing this exercise.

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Next Up: Toe Touch Crunches

#2 Toe Touch Crunches


This exercise also helps to improve your posture, flexibility and balance. This is one of the effective exercises to lose belly fat. It fully engages the abdominal muscles and helps in strengthening your core.


Step 1: Lie on your back and reach your arms behind you with both your hands straight.

Step 2: Now lift your head and shoulder off the ground and touch your toes with the help of your hands making a “U” shape.

Step 3: You need to lift your pelvis slightly off the ground so your toes move toward your fingers. Return to the starting position.

Important Tips: Do 2 sets of 15-20 reps each. For more difficulty, try holding a weight or medicine ball and perform the same motion.

Next Up: Reverse Crunches

#3 Reverse Crunches


Reverse crunches will help you to increase ab strength and targets your lower abdomen. This exercise also helps in maintaining the lower back stability. It engages the lower layers of your abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominis giving you a flat belly.


Step 1: Lie down on the floor in a traditional crunch position, your feet bent at your knees and hands under your head or extend them at your sides.

Step 2: Press your lower back into the floor and lift your feet off of the ground. Keep your knees together, bent at 90-degree angles

Step 3: Using your core, pull your knees to your chest.

Step 4: Return to the starting position without touching your feet on the floor.

Important Tips: Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps each. You can make the exercise harder by lifting your head and shoulders with legs. To avoid injury do not arch your back.

Next Up: Rolling Plank

#4 Rolling Planks


It is important to master the basic plank exercise before moving to rolling plank which is a more complex variation. In addition to working up the core muscles, the rolling plank also builds up your shoulder and back strength.


Step 1: Start in high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders, fingers pointing forward.

Step 2: Now place the top of your feet on the middle of the foam roller. Keep your body in a straight diagonal line.

Step 3: Next slide your body up with the help of the foam roller and tighten your core.

Step 4: Return back to the neutral or starting position and repeat the exercise.

Important Tip: Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps each. Remember not to arch your back while performing the exercise. Always keep the elbow in line with the shoulders.

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