5 Best Exercises to Lose Inner Thigh Fat

You can't spot reduce inner thigh fat, but exercises can tone your legs. (Image via Pexels / Maksim Gonchaenok)
You can't spot reduce inner thigh fat, but exercises can tone your legs. (Image via Pexels / Maksim Gonchaenok)

Inner thighs can be very difficult area to trim down. Unlike other areas of the body that have a lot of options for fat reduction in terms of exercise, it’s a bit more challenging to lose inner thigh fat.

While you can use other limbs for exercise and weight training, you don’t have anything to target your inner thighs. While having some inner thigh fat is perfectly fine, if you're ready to tone things up and improve the look of your lower half, we've got you covered.

If you're ready to shed some fat, try a few cardio exercises. The'lly get your heart pumping and help tone up those thighs.

Exercises to Burn Inner Thigh Fat

Here's a look at five such exercises:

1) Clamshell

Clamshell is a common exercise used in physiotherapy to build strength in the lower body. Your inner thigh fat is not the only muscle you work with clamshells. The key to feeling a good burn is controlled repetitions. When you do this exercise, focus on keeping your core tight, and make sure your knees don't fall open.


To do this exercise:

  • Lie on your side, and stack your knees; bend forward at the waist so that your back is parallel to the floor.
  • Hold your ankles together as you lift your top leg up by rolling your hips.
  • Hold for three seconds once you've lifted your top knee as high as you can.
  • Bring your leg back down till it touches the bottom leg.
  • Repeat 10–12 times before switching sides.

2) Sumo Squat

Squats are an essential workout technique that everyone should do regularly. They help with both weight loss and strengthening your legs. Squats targets the inner thigh fat by adjusting the foot positioning of a standard squat.


To do this exercise:

  • From a standing position, bring your feet out wide apart till you've almost reached your maximum range of motion.
  • Tilt your feet outward, and engage the adductors to their fullest extent.
  • Lower into a seated position, aiming for a 90-degree angle between the upper and lower legs.
  • Keep your chest up and spine neutral; avoid rounding the back.
  • Keep your head facing forward rather than jutting it forward or tilting back, to avoid hyperextension of the spine.

3) Crusty Lunge

A curtsy lunge is another take on the lunge and targets your inner thighs. It requires a high degree of muscle control, and you'll be moving across a transverse movement plane.


From a standing position:

  • Step back with your left leg, and cross it behind your right knee.
  • Bend both knees so that you're in a lunge position..
  • Imagine you're doing a curtsy. Your chest should be upright and shoulders relaxed, and your hips should be square.
  • Push off from your left foot to return to the starting position.

4) Side-Lying Leg Lift

Try side-lying leg raises to lose inner thigh fat and improve your balance and flexibility. You'll be able to feel the burn in your inner thighs and glutes.


To do this exercise:

  • Lie on one side with your legs extended. Keep your knees together and straight, head braced by your bottom arm and top arm providing support by pressing on the floor.
  • Slowly raise the top leg till you feel the muscles begin to flex, and slowly return to the starting position.
  • After completing 10–12 reps, turn over, and repeat with your other side.

5) Single-Leg Hamstring Bridge

This inner thigh exercise is performed on the floor with your bodyweight or resistance from dumbbells or a barbell. It's similar to a glute bridge, with an adjustment to target the inner thighs, and should be a part of your routine.


To do this workout:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, hip-width apart and directly under your knees.
  • Raise your right leg into the air, facing the ceiling, squeezing your glutes to lift your hips off the floor.
  • Lower your body slowly, and repeat for a set number of reps before switching legs.

Can You Spot-reduce Inner Thigh Fat?

You can't spot-reduce fat on your thighs. A common misconception when it comes to training the inner thighs is that you can lose fat in one specific area like the inner thighs, regardless of how many inner-thigh-focused exercises you do.

If you want to build muscle in your inner thighs, add compound and isolation exercises that target those muscles in your workout routine.

When you build muscle in the thighs, you boost your metabolism and improve your body composition. Your body composition is determined by the ratio between muscle and fat. By having more muscle, it'll make your thighs appear leaner and more toned.


The best way to train your inner thighs and achieve the desired results is to complete a full body workout that includes compound and isolation exercises. This is the best way to bring about changes and achieve maximum fat loss for the inner thighs.

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