5 Best Stairmaster Exercises to Lose Back Fat

Incorporating stairmaster workout helps in building muscle and promotes weight loss. (Image via IG @ nuffieldhealthchester)
Incorporating stairmaster workout helps in building muscle and promotes weight loss. (Image via IG @ nuffieldhealthchester)

Stairmaster is a go-to cardio exercise machine for many people, as it offers an assortment of possible workouts that incorporate a variety of muscle groups. If you’re looking to slim down your hips and thighs fast, the Stairmaster is a great choice.

There are many variations of Stairmaster exercises that focus on the lower body. However, the best ones for losing back fat incorporate planks and other upper body movements to help you tone your arms, chest and back.

Stairmaster Exercises to Lose Back Fat

Here's a look at the five best exercises:

1) Single Step up

The stair machine is a great way to tighten your butt and thighs. All you have to do is go down then up on the stairs like you would on an escalator.


Here's how you do it:

  • Set your speed to a brisk walk, and press 'start'.
  • Your workout will be done when you've taken 10-20 steps up and walked back down the stairs.
  • Go in a straight line, keeping your chest high, and don't go up or down more than four steps at a time.

2) Skip a Step

After you get the hang of the stairclimber, try doing every other step. That will build strength in your hamstrings and give you a more intense cardio workout. Don’t overdo it, though. Start at a slow pace if you’re having trouble doing this move.


If you want to target your glutes, try skipping steps when you climb stairs. The more muscles you engage in your workout, the more calories you'll burn. If you want to try this approach, start slowly. Concentrate on methodically climbing stairs while maintaining your balance before increasing your speed.

3) Side Step

Adding the Bum Steer Hip Lift (turn to right or left) to your Stairmaster routine will target your glutes and help your knees and lower back stabilisers. Take it slow the first few times you try it so that you don’t fall over while doing this exercise.


Here's how you do it:

  • Stand on your right leg, and pivot to the left away from the wall.
  • Step your right foot behind you, and lift both arms high up towards the ceiling.
  • Breathe out as you pull your right knee towards the chest by bending your right knee.
  • Breathe in as you untwist back down to starting position. Repeat with your left foot leading.

4) Backward Climb

When you walk backwards on a Stairmaster, you activate your glutes and hamstrings more than when you walk forwards. To get used to this new feeling, start at a low speed. This isn't something you do every day, so you'll need to practise it first.


To do that, turn around, and walk up the steps with your heels leading instead of your toes. Walking backward isn’t something you do every day, so it'll take some practice. This move helps you balance out your leg day workout, as it activates the hamstrings, calves and quads more than regular walking does.

5) Alternating Kickback

Anyone who has spent time with resistance band bodyweight workouts knows how to do this move.


When you're on a step and using the momentum to jump higher, try this variation. Lift your rear foot up behind you till it's almost parallel to the floor; put it back on the step. Go slowly so that you can get used to balancing and lifting your leg up behind you.

Proper Form on Stairmaster

To get the most out of your stair climbing routine, make sure you use proper form. A Stairmaster or other stair climbing machine is great for working your glutes and calves but not so much your abs. Keep your chest lifted, and straighten your back at all times while using the machine.

When using a Stairmaster or other stair-climbing machine, pay attention to your posture. Lift your chest, and keep a straight back without bending over.

Relax your grip on the handrails as much as possible, and only use them to catch yourself if you begin to fall backwards. That'll make it more of a challenge, which means you’ll burn more calories, and gain muscle in your glutes and abs.


Don't be worried to try out the aforementioned Stairmaster exercises. Whether you’re doing these workouts in the gym or on your own at home with your personal stair master machine, the end result will still be the same: toned and firm glutes.

For more effective results, as mentioned above, try increasing your incline so that your heart rate increases more, or try increasing the number of reps and sets. Just remember: the key to this routine is to not only perform these routines nearly every day but to make sure you never miss a step.

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