5 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do in Your Hotel Room

(Image via Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)
Bodyweight exercises (Image via Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)

Bodyweight exercises are complete body strength training workouts that help in working your body without requiring any expensive membership or heavy equipment. Bodyweight exercises make use of your weight against gravity to train your muscles.

These exercises will work on several muscle groups with compound movements. Some benefits include greater muscle mass, increased balance, better stability, improved coordination, enhanced flexibility, higher endurance, and more.

Bodyweight exercises can also help in reducing inflammation by improving insulin resistance, which in turn lowers the risk of chronic illnesses, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

On that note, here's a list of the five best and most amazing bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere, even in your hotel room.

Best Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises tend to vary in intensity, fitness goals, fitness level, and health status of the exerciser. However, the following ones can be done by beginners, as they do not involve complicated movements.

1) Wall Sit

Wall sits provide a multitude of benefits, including increased strength of the lower body, improved core stability, increased muscular endurance, and more.


How to do this exercise?

Begin in a good standing position with your back facing the wall and feet apart at shoulder distance. You should stand about two feet away from the wall.

With an engaged abdominal muscle, slide your back so that your thighs are angled parallel to the floor. Make sure your knees should be directly stacked over your ankles, and your back stays against the wall. Hold.

2) Bear Crawl

Bear crawls engage several muscle groups in the upper and lower torso, including the quads, core, back, hamstrings, and glutes. It can help in packing strength throughout the body and build muscular endurance.


How to do this exercise?

Begin in the conventional table top position on the ground with your core region engaged and back erect. Lift both knees off the ground, and let them hover above the floor.

Begin the crawling movement on the ground by touching your knees to the floor. Move forward by bringing your left palm and right leg to the front simultaneously. Switch sides, and repeat.

3) Inchworm

It involves solid movement of the body that helps in stretching and strengthening several muscle groups simultaneously. This exercise engages the chest, core, triceps, shoulders, and back along with building better stability.


How to do this exercise?

Begin in the tall standing position with your feet apart at hip distance and maintaining a good posture. Reach your hands to the ground near your feet with your knees slightly bent.

Walk forward with your palms one at a time till you bring your body into a high plank position. Hold that for a moment before bringing your body back to its starting position by reversing your movement.

4) Curtsy Lunge

It provides numerous benefits, including increased lower body strength, improved stability, better bodybalance, and more. This exercise also helps in strengthening and toning the body.


How to do this exercise?

Begin in a tall standing position with your arms hanging by the side of your body and feet apart at hip distance.

Cross your left foot behind your right, with your left toe tucked in, and clasp your palms together in front of your chest. Lunge deep with your rear knee, hovering just above the ground. Switch sides, and repeat.

5) Pistol Squat

Pistol squats can also be easily done in your hotel room and provides tons of benefits, including better body awareness, stability, and balance.


How to do this exercise?

Start in an elongated standing position before raising one leg off the ground and hovering it above the floor. Bring your arms in front of you at chest level before squatting low and raising your leg parallel to the ground. Switch sides, and repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned bodyweight exercises are some of the most highly effective ones you can do in your hotel room while traveling. These exercises do not require any gym equipment or fancy gym packages and can be done by beginners.

They can help in weight management by burning many calories and boosting strength through resistance training. You should start with light warm-up exercises before moving to these bodyweight workouts.

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