5 Easy To Do Back Exercises For Women

World Class Metropolis fitness centre in Moscow
Women stretching her back

Maybe going to the gym is difficult and you do not have a lot of time to invest in your exercise routine. Maybe your diet is on point and you do spare some time each day to do some cardio exercise of your choice. And maybe after doing all this, your back is still bulky and covered with a thick layer of flab.

Is this your story? No wonder you are looking for back workout tips that can be done at home. And guess what? We are here to help!

We will list out a few very simple back and shoulder exercises that are not only effective but also quick to do. These will not need you to get hold of any bulky machines. All you will need is a quiet room, a set of dumbbells and determination.

Always remember that shoulders can be a little difficult to tone up. So it might take time. Do not give up if you cannot see quick results. You need to be patient when it comes to areas like shoulders, thighs, arms etc. and consistency can take you a long way. So let us get started.

#1 The One Arm Dumbbell Row



Step 1: Place a bench in front of you or come near a couch and keep a dumbbell next to it.

Step 2: Place your left leg on the bench and bend your torso towards the front. Your upper body must be parallel to the ground.

Step 3: Place your left hand on the bench or the edge of the sofa and use your right hand to hold the dumbbell. Keep your back straight. Your palm must face your body. This is the initial position.

Step 4: Pull the weight straight up and keep your upper arm close to you. Squeeze your back muscle. Remember that your back and upper arms are the key areas for this exercise.

Step 5: Return to the initial position and repeat.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each for each arm with 10 seconds break in the middle.

Next up: The Dumbbell Overhead Squat

#2 The Dumbbell Overhead Squat



Step 1: Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands. One dumbbell must be heavier than the other one.

Step 2: Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Step 3: Now, hold the lighter dumbbell over your head while the heavier one must point to the ground with your hands extended between your legs,

Step 4: Slowly get in the squat position and go down till your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. You must engage your core, shoulder and back throughout the exercise.

Step 4: Get back to the initial position and repeat.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Next up: The T Pose

#3 The T Pose



Step 1: Lie on the ground such that your tummy is on the floor.

Step 2: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms straight to your side. Your palms must face out and your thumbs must be towards the ceiling.

Step 3: Keep your hips on the ground and lift your hands up. Engage your shoulder and back while you do this. Your head will move up too. Go as high as about 6 inches off the floor.

Step 4: Hold this position for 8-10 seconds and relax.

Important Tip: Repeat 6-7 times and remember to not bend your arms.

Next up: The Lat pullover

#4 The Lat Pullover


Do not get anxious. This is the variation that you can do at home.

Also, read 6 Explosive Lats Workout For A Bigger And Stronger Back.


Step 1: Lie on the floor and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.

Step 2: Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms right over your chest so that they point towards the ceiling.

Step 3: Slowly, lower your arms behind your head and bring them towards the floor till they are about an inch away from the ground.

Step 4: Now pull them back to the initial position by engaging your shoulder and your upper back. Repeat.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 10 reps each and do not go overboard with the weights.

Next up: The Superwoman

#5 The Superwoman



Step 1: Lie down on the floor with your face facing down. Your feet must be together and your toes must touch the floor.

Step 2: Extend your arms in front of you and keep them straight while resting your palms off the ground.

Step 3: Engage your back, legs, and shoulder and raise your legs and arms off the floor. Remember to keep them straight and engaged while you are in the final position. Hold this position for about 15 seconds and relax.

Important Tip: Do 5 reps of this exercise with no breaks in the middle. Slowly, increase the duration.

Do you know any exercise that you would like to add to our list? Sound off in the comments section!

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