5 Easy to Use Ab Machines

NHL: JUN 02 Scouting Combine
Pull-up bar exercises to aid in improving the core strength

#3 Ab Wheel


The ab wheel is a very effective tool to tone the abdomen muscles and improve the overall core strength.

Working out with the ab wheel is quite challenging and activates the muscles in the entire abdomen region and not just the rectus abdominis. Few studies have even pointed out that the exercises performed using the ab wheel activated and toned the muscles with enhanced precision compared to the regular crunches.

Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.

Like the pull-up bar, you need not visit the gym to train with the ab wheel. With an economical price point and the compact nature of the product, it is an ideal partner for your home gym.

One could perform a wide range of workouts using the ab wheel including planks, rollouts, and oblique tucks.

Buy here.

Next up: Ab Crunch Machine.

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