5 Effective Cardio Workouts At Home To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

CrossFit: Workout Regimen With A Fiercely Loyal Following
Box Jumps are very effective in building the lower body

#2 Jumping Jack


Jumping jacks improve the heart rate and ultimately lead to better calorie burn. Additionally, the exercise is very effective in improving the flexibility and the overall endurance of the body.

Also, read 6 Full Body Workouts To Reduce Belly Fat & Build Muscles.


Step 1: Stand straight with feet positioned close to each other while placing the arms on the side and parallel to the body.

Step 2: Jump and land your feet at a distance that the slightly wider than the distance between the shoulders. Ensure that you raise your arms to the side until they are parallel to the floor while performing this motion.

Step 3: Quickly jump back to the initial position and ready yourself to begin the next rep.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tip: Wear a weighted vest while performing this exercise for an increased challenge.

Next up: Box Jump

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