5 Effective Dumbbell Workouts To Build Muscle At Home

World Class Metropolis fitness center in Moscow
World Class Metropolis fitness center in Moscow

Exercise #2

Lying Dumbbell Curl

This dumbbell exercise works on your biceps.



Step 1: Lie on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Use a light dumbbell for this exercise.

Step 2: Extend your arms by your side and hold the dumbbell such that your palms are facing up.

Step 3: Slowly and carefully, curl your arms and bring the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Flex your biceps when you do this.

Step 4: Lower the dumbbells to the initial position and repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each. Your elbows need to be stable throughout the set. Engage your forearms only.

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Next up: Single Leg Hip Thrust

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