5 Killer Rear Shoulder Workouts To Have Bigger Rear Delts

Bent-over rows tone the deltoids and back muscles
Bent-over rows tone the deltoids and back muscles

#3 Pull-Ups


The pull-ups are one of the most effective bodyweight exercises to tone the muscles in the back and the shoulders. All three deltoid heads, including the rear deltoids, are activated while performing the pull-ups.

Also, read 5 Powerful Deltoid Exercises for Bigger Delts.


Step 1: Stand straight in front of a pull-up bar and secure it with a shoulder-width grip. Hang from it with a pronated grip while maintaining fully-extended arms.

Step 2: Gradually raise yourself until the chin is just above the bar. Keep the torso straight while performing this motion.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tip: Perform the pull-ups while wearing a weighted vest for added resistance and improved customisability.

Next-up: Barbell Rear Deltoid Row

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