5 Super Easy Core Exercises For Women To Strengthen Their Core & Get A Flat Stomach

American Ninja Warrior - Season 10

Exercise #3

Dead Bug

The Dead Bug works on your abs and also helps to increase your core stability and strength.



Step 1: Lie on your back. Extend your legs forward and your hand towards the back.

Step 2: Lift your legs and get in the tabletop position by bending your knees at a 90 degrees angle.

Step 3: Engage your core and stick your back to the ground. Straighten one leg and bring it over your chest. Simultaneously, raise your alternate arm to the top of your chest. Relax and repeat with the other side. This makes on rep.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 20 reps each.

Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.

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