6 Best Lower Abs Workout For Women To Get A Flat Stomach


Lower abs are difficult to tone up. The fat in this area is very stubborn and you will notice that even though your waistline is reducing, your lower abdomen is still bulging out. Does that mean that a six-pack abs is a distant dream for you? Absolutely not ladies! It is possible to get those shredded abs at the comfort of your home. It is not easy, but you will get there.

First, let us start with knowing and understanding a few important tips about your lower abs workout:

1. Diet is important. Do not take it for granted. Working out is essential but it is not the only thing that can help you get what you want. Drink lots of water, cut down on artificial sugar and junks, eat healthy food. You will see the difference.

2. Start with a good warm-up session. Definitely, shocking your muscle is important, but not like this. Warm up, add new exercises and work it out!

3. In case you find it difficult to lose weight in this region, it is not just on your diet. Female body is devised in a way that our hormone, estrogen, functions to store most fat in this region. Exercise and diet together can help you get the best results.

4. Walking is a great way to sculpt your lower abs. Walk for 30 minutes every day, for about 5 days a week. It will not only help you work on your lower abs but also on your overall body weight.

5. Do not do these exercises every day. Alternate days will work just fine.

So let us get started with the best lower abs workout for women to get a flat stomach.

Exercise #1

Alligator Walk

This exercise also helps strengthen your upper abs and core.



Step 1: Get in the push-up position, with your arms directly under your shoulders and your toes firmly positioned on the floor. Bend your arms to lower your body and do not arch your back. You need to make a straight line from your head to your heels.

Step 2: Engage your core and start by taking small steps and simultaneously moving your arms forward to mimic an alligator’s movement.

Important tip: Do this exercise for as long as you can.

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Next up: Slider Pike

Exercise #2

Slider Pike

Get hold of 2 towels for this super effective exercise.



Step 1: Get in the plank position, with your feet on the towels. Your arms need to be extended under your shoulder.

Step 2: Engage your lower abs and pull your legs towards your chest. Your feet must come near your hands and your hips must go towards the ceiling.

Step 3: Slowly, push your legs back to get back to the initial position. Repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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Next up: Ski Abs

Exercise #3

Ski Abs

This is an equipment-free exercise, which is a very effective workout to get flat abs and a strong core.



Step 1: Get in the high plank position with your hands extended below your shoulder.

Step 2: Keeping your wrists stationary, lift your butts and pull your lower body forward and towards the right. Your feet need to be together.

Step 3: Get back to the initial position and repeat for middle and then for your left side.

Important tip: Do 2 sets for 1 minute each. Maintain your pace.

Next up: U Boat

Exercise #4

U Boat

Controlled motions are a key to this exercise.



Step 1: Sit on the floor and bend your knees. Your feet need to be flat on the ground.

Step 2: Lean back a little, by moving your weight to your elbows with your palms firmly placed on the ground.

Step 3: Engage your core and lift your legs, and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.

Step 4: Slowly, bring your legs to your right by simultaneously pulling your upper body up too.

Step 5: Get back to the initial position and repeat for the left side. This makes up 1 rep. Note: your knee makes a U.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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Next up: Leg Extension Crunch

Exercise #5

Leg Extension Crunch

This exercise helps you work on your quads, glutes, abs, and hamstrings.



Step 1: Sit on the floor and extend your legs forward. Keep your palms of the floor, a little behind your butts.

Step 2: Lean back and lift your feet off the floor. Keep it at about a 30-degree angle.

Step 3: Flex your legs and bring your upper body and knees close to each other.

Step 4: Inhale and get back to the initial position. Repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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Also, read 6 Productive Leg Exercises

Next up: Ab Pulse Ups

Exercise #6

Ab Pulse Ups

This is a slow exercise hence making, pace and posture extremely important.



Step 1: Lie on the ground and extend your legs forward. Place your hands under your hips.

Step 2: Raise your legs off the floor and straighten it such that it points towards the ceiling.

Step 3: Raise your hips off the floor and hold for 1 second.

Step 4: Relax and repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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