6 Easy Yoga Poses to Do at Your Workplace

Yoga at the workplace can help to rejuvenate you and clear your mind (Image via Unsplash@Luca Bravo)
Yoga at the workplace can help to rejuvenate you and clear your mind (Image via Unsplash@Luca Bravo)

Office yoga is a highly helpful approach to increase your energy levels and treat pain in your lower back and shoulders. If you've been sitting for too long and are in need of a stretch break, there are numerous exercises you may perform without leaving your seat.

Forget about costly equipment and difficult positions. It's time to find your inner Zen, despite the ringing phones and fluorescent lighting. Play your favorite yoga soundtrack on your headphones and begin your practice.

Today, we'll discuss six yoga positions designed for busy professionals who want to make the most of their break time. Best part? You don’t even need to change out of your work attire!

Seated Figure Four Pose and 5 Other Easy Yoga Poses to Do at Your Workplace

Check out the following easy yoga poses you can perform at your workplace.

1) Seated Twist

Start by sitting with your back against the backrest of your chair. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, and as you exhale, twist to the right, placing both hands for support on the right armrest. Sitting in a chair without arms? Place your right hand behind your pelvis on the seat, and your left hand on your right thigh.

Every time you inhale, it lengthens your spine. This allows your body to extend deeper into the yoga pose. Hold the stance for up to sixty seconds on each side, and then switch sides.


2) Shoulder Rolls

After a day of screen time, you are aware that your back tenses and your fingers feel stretched. However, were you aware that your shoulders and chest also experience stress?

Shoulder pain at work does not have to be unavoidable. Why not do some basic yoga to restore your range of motion?

As you inhale, raise your shoulders to your ears and then lower them. Then, while exhaling, slide them forward and downward. Repeat this motion in the same direction twice more, then reverse it.


3) Wide Legged Forward Bend

Almost certainly, you have performed this yoga stance while searching for a fallen pen or paper clip. Now is the time to learn the correct method.

Beginning in a standing position, place your knees and feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. Your hands should rest on your hips. As you exhale, fold forward from the hips while maintaining a straight spine. If necessary, knee flexion is an excellent option to adjust the stance if necessary. A few seconds later, glide your hands down your legs. This action permits the spine to round. If possible, place your hands between your feet, but don't worry if you're not there yet!

Find your sweet spot and maintain your stance for thirty to sixty seconds. Then, release and pull yourself back up using your leg and abdominal muscles.


4) Seated Figure Four Pose

This yoga pose is excellent for extending the deep muscles surrounding the hip joints. It feels particularly good after a marathon work session in which you stood or walked for hours.

Start by placing your left outside ankle on your right thigh. Exhale as you grasp your left ankle with your right hand and place your left hand on your left knee.

As you do so, bend forward from your hip joints as far as is comfortable while keeping your spine straight. Hold for thirty to sixty seconds, then change sides.


5) Seated Back Bend Pose

Feeling a little queasy after that team-building lunch? The fan position provides a mild abdominal stretch and boosts your immune system.

Place your feet on the ground and sit at the chair's front edge. Your spine should be upright, not curved, and your back should be off the chair. Lean forward and reach your arms behind you to hold the chair's back. Make an effort to keep your elbows as straight as possible.

Pull your shoulder blades back and inhale, seeing how the yoga pose relaxes your shoulders. When prepared, release the posture and sit up tall.


6) Stork Pose

Have you ever observed that it is difficult to rise from your chair at the end of a hectic workday? This is because your glutes and hamstrings weaken and your hips tighten. As a result, you rely on your back and even your neck to help you get up at the end of the day.

Stabilize yourself by standing in front of your desk or chair and holding it. While pressing your feet to the ground, raise your right knee and grasp it with your right hand.

Take a few deep breaths during this stretch. As you inhale, contract your abdominal muscles, direct your tailbone towards your heel, and extend your right knee towards the ground.

Add a simple element of balance by raising your left arm. Exhale to exit the yoga posture and change sides.



Yoga at work increases energy levels, rejuvenates you, and brings a sense of calm to your mind. It can even improve your health and reduce sickness. Working for 6 to 8 hours a day reduces blood circulation and leads to stress, which significantly lowers energy and causes exhaustion. One of the best ways to deal with stress and its negative effects is through yoga.

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