6 Love Handle Workouts You Should Do To Get Rid Of Them

Last Modified Sep 25, 2018 06:08 GMT

Getting rid of fat around the abdomen region is not an easy task and requires tremendous discipline and commitment levels to achieve desired results.

One of the exercise to get rid of love handles fast

What causes love handles? Love handles are an indication of poor overall health, and it is imperative that one takes corrective measures with targeted workout programs that tone both the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. Essentially, one must focus on exercises that not only aid in higher calorie-burn but also build the muscle, as it directly contributes to burning the excess fat in the body. For maximum efficiency, perform these exercises as a part of a high-intensity training program routine.

Apart from having a proper warm-up before the start of the exercises to flex the muscles, focus on having a healthy diet that is low in fats and has good quantities of lean protein, which is essential for muscle building and recovery.

Let us look closer at the six love handle workouts that one could add to their workout program to lose fat and get in shape.

#1 Mountain climbers



Step 1: Lie on the floor in a prone position and quickly transition yourself into a plank position with fully extended arms. Ensure that the entire body is resting on the palms and the feet.

Step 2: With a stationary torso, explosively bring the left knee towards the chest.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Keep the elbows close to the body throughout the duration of the exercise.

#2 Side Plank



Step 1: Lie on the floor on one side with your feet stacked on top of each other.

Step 2: Place the lower palm on the floor and extended it such that the torso makes an acute angle with the floor. Raise the other arm upwards until it is perpendicular to the body.

Step 3: Hold the position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tip: Do not let the body sag towards the floor throughout the duration of the exercise.

#3 Hanging Leg Raise



Step 1: Stand in front of a pull-up bar and secure it with a shoulder width grip with the palms facing away from the body.

Step 2: With a stationary torso, raise the legs until they are perpendicular to the body. The arms should be fully extended and parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Hold the position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Ensure that the legs are straight and perpendicular to the body while holding the position.

Important tip: Wear ankle weights while performing this exercise for added resistance and improved customisability.

#4 Kettlebell Swing



Step 1: Stand straight with your feet placed at a distance that is wider than the distance between the shoulders. Secure the kettlebell with both the arms and position it in front of the hips.

Step 2: Swing the kettlebell upwards until it is in line with the shoulders. The arms should be fully extended and perpendicular to the torso in this position.

Step 3: Pause for a second and swing it back until it is behind the lower back.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tip: Perform the alternate kettlebell raise for a more isolated workout experience.

#5 Russian Twist



Step 1: Sit on the floor with extended legs such that the feet are placed close together. Slightly bend the knees until the legs form an arch with the floor. Position your arms in front of your torso with bent elbows.

Step 2: With a stationary torso, twist the torso to the right and simultaneously extend the arms in the same direction.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Perform the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Perform the Russian twists with a dumbbell or a weighted plate for an added challenge.

#6 Box Jumps



Step 1: Stand in front of a raised platform and plant your feet at a distance that is approximately equal to the distance between the shoulders. Slightly bend your knees and get into a half-squat position and place your hands on the side, parallel to the body.

Step 2: Explosively jump onto the raised platform while swinging your arms forward.

Step 3: Pause for a second and jump back to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Perform the box jumps with a weighted vest for added resistance and improved customisability.

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