6 Most Satisfying Low Sodium Snacks

Low Sodium alternatives are very good for your health
Low Sodium alternatives are very good for your health

#3 Kale Chips

Vegan Celebrity Activist Suzanne 'Africa' Engo Encourages Americans To Healthy Vegan Eating In The National Fight Against Obesity At Elizabeth's Gone Raw

Kale chips are very low on calories and make a great addition to a low-carb diet as well.

Benefits: Kale is very effective in maintaining cardiovascular health and supporting eyesight. Additionally, kale chips are excellent for weight loss and also contain loads of antioxidants.

Nutrients: One typical serving of kale chips provide around 150 calories of energy. Kale chips are rich sources of vitamins A, E, C and K and many other essential minerals such as iron and magnesium.

Quantity to be taken: 1 cup per serving.

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