6 Simple Standing Core Exercises

Simple standing exercises can also help you work out your core (Image via Pexels @Picjumbocom)
Simple standing exercises can help work out the core (Image via Pexels/Picjumbocom)

Core exercises are essential for everyone. When we say everyone, we mean everyone.

The core is the most important part of the body, from where all movements in the limbs originate from. If you don't have a strong core, eventually your posture, gait and muscular strength will suffer — leading to a variety of chronic pain and lifestyle issues.

Most people associate core exercises with lying down on the ground (crunches, planks, etc). However, standing core exercises can help you work out the core without lying on the ground.

In this article, we will take look at some simple standing core exercises you can easily include in your daily routine.

Simple Standing Core Exercises

Check out the following six simple standing core exercises you can do:

1) Woodchop

It strengthens and stabilizes the core while also increasing spine flexibility. This core exercise also improves balance and posture while strengthening the upper and lower body.


  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width and both hands at chest height on a dumbbell or medicine ball.
  • Allow your knees to bend slightly and feet to pivot as you shift your weight to the outside of your right foot.
  • In a reverse chopping motion, bring the weight back across your torso and overhead to the left. Pivot your feet in the same direction as the weight.
  • Perform ten reps on each side, and switch sides.

2) Lunge Crunch

Lunges are a quintessential core-strengthening exercise. When a crunch is added to the mix, it becomes a great core exercise that works out most of the major core and lower body muscles.


  • Begin in a lunge position, with one leg stretched out behind and the front knee bent at 90 degrees. Extend both arms diagonally in front of you.
  • Drive your back knee up and in towards your chest while swinging your arms down to frame your knee.
  • Repeat by extending your leg back to the starting position.
  • To maintain the explosive movement, drive your knee up and in as quickly as possible.
  • Perform 15 reps on each side; switch sides, and repeat.

3) Wide Stance Side Crunch

Side crunches are a versatile core exercise that can tone and strengthen the oblique and core muscles. They can also add a good element of cardio to your workout.


  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet wider than hip width. Turn your toes outward, and lower into a wide squat.
  • Raise your arms into a goalpost position, with your elbows bent to 90 degrees. Engage your core, and bend to the right, aiming to tap your elbow with your thigh.
  • Perform ten reps to the right and as many to the left. For 20 reps, alternate sides.

4) Leaning Oblique

This is also a good core exercise to target the oblique muscles. In fact, obliques are an often ignored muscle group that should be focused on if you're looking to strengthen your core.


  • Start by standing with one dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell plate in each hand.
  • To avoid arching your back, lift the weight above your head while engaging your core and tucking your hips.
  • Lean to the right slowly while keeping your hips square and arms in line with the torso. Extend only as far as your mobility allows.
  • Repeat on the opposite side, squeezing your obliques to bring your upper body back to the center.
  • Complete 20 reps on each side before alternating sides.

5) Standing March with Twist

This core exercise targets the abdominal muscles along with the obliques, helping strengthen both.


  • Consider this move to be slow high knees with a twist. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with arms behind your head and abs tight.
  • As you twist through your waist, bring your right elbow to your left knee. Return to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Continue switching sides for a minute.

6) Standing Crossover Toe Touch

This core exercise is a part of almost all P.E. workouts. Simple to perform and easy to understand, this one can work out your core without too much effort on your part.


  • Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and arms extended in a T.
  • Engage your core; rotate your torso to the left, and tap the outside of your left foot with your right hand.
  • Do your left side for a minute and then your right side for another minute. For one minute, alternate sides.
  • You can do this exercise with your knees slightly bent, but make sure the movement comes from the core rather than the legs.


These are some of the most effective standing abdominal exercises you can easily incorporate into your strength training regimen to develop strong, toned abdominal muscles.

The key to getting the most out of these exercises is to keep the abs engaged throughout. For more ab exercises, check out our articles on standing ab exercises to strengthen core, standing ab exercises for stronger core, and ab exercises that help work core muscles.

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